Command for i3status that shows datadog's monitors in warning, alert or nodata
First of all, you will need to build the project. For this, just execute:
go build i3status-datadog.go
Then, place the executable in a directory accesible by PATH, for example:
#> sudo cp i3status-datadog /usr/local/bin/i3status-datadog
Find the easiest way to install the package in your distro. For ubuntu for example, you can just run:
#> sudo apt-get install i3blocks
You need to edit your i3 configuration file (for example, ~/.config/i3/config), find the "bar" section and set:
bar {
status_command i3blocks
tray_output primary
In ubuntu for example, you will find this file on /etc/i3blocks.conf. You could also start i3block on the previous step with -c parameter for specify the configuration file.
You need to add the next configuration:
command=i3status-datadog -apiKey <yourApiKey> -appKey <yourAppKey>