BWSC Scoreboard is a Spring Boot application using jSerialComm for connectivity to the SWISS TIMING equipment used by the BWSC.
The project can be built and tested by running Maven command:
mvn clean install
WIP: The artifacts can be obtained by:
- downloading from ...
- getting as Maven dependency by adding the dependency to your pom file:
BWSC Scoreboard is built as an executable jar file which takes one argument.
java -jar scoreboard-<version>.jar <args>
To access the user interface:
To access the JSON interface:
Arguments may be added to the command to modify the default behaviour.
- -port=<portName> serial port description. Default: COM4
- -baudRate=<baudRate> serial port baud rate. Default 19200
- -stopBits=<stopBits> serial port stop bits. Default: 8
- -parity=<parity> serial port parity. Default: NO_PARITY
- -flow=<flowControl> serial port flow control. Default: FLOW_CONTROL_DISABLED
- -timeoutMode=<mode> jSerialComm timeoutMode. Default: TIMEOUT_READ_BLOCKING
- -readTimeout=<ms> jSerialComm readTimeout. Default: 0 (none)
- -trace data read from the the port to stderr. Default: not set (no trace)
- -testFile=<path> use data from a test file rather than a port
- -test1 use data from a test file included in the jar file rather than a port
- -testLoop results in the data in the test file being repeated once it has been read.