Automated Log Extractor
The intent for this project is to crawl the workflow API in Jenkins, and extract a more structured log divided into stages. It'll use the configured regex to try to extract the timestamp from each log line.
The following is the default config
address = "" # IP address to bind
port = 7654 # The Port to bind
level = "debug"
format = "text" # Can be json or text
[metadata] # metadata will be presented in the service-metadata route
owner = "${USER}" # Owner of the service
# Regex used to extract the timestamp from the logs.
# Should have two groups, timestamp and log line.
logpattern = '''.*\[([\d{4}\-\d{2}\-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.\d*Z]*)\].*?\s(.*)$'''
See config_test.toml for more configuration options.
To use psql as a backend, add a config similar to:
username = "postgres_user"
passwordfile = "/path/to/file/with/password"
host = "postgres.local"
Port = 5432
database = "ale_database_name"
disablessl = true
To use Google Datastore as a backend, add a config similar to:
namespace = "ale-jenkinslog"
project = "my-gcs-project"
user ALE Jenkins Database
| | | |
+------->| | |
| +--------------------->|
|<-------+ | |
| +-------->| poll |
| |<--------+ !done |
| +--------------------->|
user ALE Jenkins Database
| | | |
+------->| | |
| +--------------------->|
| |<---------------------+
|<-------+ | |
Process a Build:
curl -XPOST http://ale-server:port/api/v1/process \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d @- << EOF
"buildId": "unique-id-of-build",
"buildUrl": "http://jenkins.local:8080/job/jobId/262"
"location": "http://ale-server:port/api/v1/build/unique-id-of-build"
If it has already been crawled, the response will be
"location": "http://ale-server:port/api/v1/build/unique-id-of-build"
Query for build information
curl http://ale-server:port/api/v1/build/unique-id-of-build \
-H "Accept: application/json"
response (sample):
200 OK
"stages": [
"status": "SUCCESS",
"name": "Preparation - Delete workspace when build is done",
"log": [
"timestamp": "09:46:24", // Format will depend on your log and regex
"line": "[WS-CLEANUP] Deleting project workspace..."
"timestamp": "09:46:24",
"line": "[WS-CLEANUP] Deferred wipeout is used..."
"timestamp": "09:46:24",
"line": "[WS-CLEANUP] done"
"log_length": 1119,
"start_time": 1548083830768
"status": "SUCCESS",
"name": "#502 - org/repo - refs/pull/65/merge",
"id": "502",
"build_id": "597bc093-6824-4287-8161-f558f8022ded"
The POST to start processing takes the following input:
- Required The URL of the build to start crawling. The format should be similar to
, and should end in the build number.
- Required The URL of the build to start crawling. The format should be similar to
- optional If provided it will be used as the key of the build.
- If not provided, a Version 4 UUID will be generated and used as a key.
- Needs to be unique.
- optional If provided, an existing database entry with the same buildId (whether provided or generated), will be deleted before the crawl.
- Defaults to
Set the following JAVA_OPTS when you launch your Jenkins
export JAVA_OPTS="${JAVA_OPTS} -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8"
- Only crawl entries that were not previously marked as done