The computation graph consists of entry points for data and operations on them.
graph = Graph.graph_from_iter('texts') \
.map(operations.FilterPunctuation('text')) \
.map(operations.LowerCase('text')) \
.map(operations.Split('text')) \
.sort(['text']) \
.reduce(operations.Count('count'), ['text']) \
.sort(['count', 'text'])
pip install -e compgraph --force-reinstall
setup sdist bdist_wheel
- Create an graph object, for example:
graph = graphs.word_count_graph ('docs', text_column = 'text', count_column = 'count')
- Supply an iterator to the input for a table like
tp.List (tp.Dict [str, tp.Any])
:result = (docs = lambda: iter (docs))
def parser(line: str) -> ops.TRow:
return json.loads(line)
def run_word_count() -> None:
graph = graphs.word_count_graph('docs', text_column='text', count_column='count')
docs = graph.graph_iter_from_file(filename="./compgraph/resource/text_corpus.txt", parser=parser)
result = graph.run_iter(docs=lambda: docs)
for res in itertools.islice(result, 5):
print("experiment successfully finished")
You can find some examples at examples folder