Digital Amulet Vault is a full-stack e-commerce application where users can explore and purchase digital amulets. The application includes features such as product browsing, shopping cart, checkout process, and a thank you page after purchase.
This project was developed using Next.js, TypeScript, PostgreSQL, and Tailwind CSS with the Emotion library for styling.
- Next.js: React framework for web applications.
- TypeScript: Superset of JavaScript for static typing.he
- Tailwind CSS: CSS framework for UI design, enhanced with the Emotion library for additional styling capabilities.
- Font Awesome: Icon library.
- PostgreSQL: Database for storing product information.
- WebGL: Used for rendering shader images and creating dynamic, interactive product visuals.
- Context API & Cookies: Manage the state of the shopping cart.
- Deployment: Deployed on with continuous integration via GitHub Actions.
- Testing: Unit tests are run with Jest, and end-to-end (E2E) tests are executed with Playwright.
- Home Page: List of available products.
- Product Detail: Details of a specific product.
- Shopping Cart: Review of selected products.
- Checkout: Form to complete the purchase.
- Thank You: Confirmation after completing the purchase.