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Automatic revision of MAGs to remove likely chimeric contigs


This is basic pipeline to automatically identify and remove contigs from metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) that have a high chance of being chimeric and do not actually belong to the MAG. It is written in Snakemake and makes use of containers (Singularity and Docker) and conda environments to ensure its reproducibility. It has been previously been used by Klapper et al. (2023) and has received some further updates since then.

The pipeline implements three different steps:

  1. Taxonomic assignment of all contigs of a MAG using MMseqs2’s taxonomy workflow (Mirdita et al. 2021) against the GTDB and identifying of the most common lineage at the rank family or higher
  2. Taxonomic assignment of every gene of a contig that could only be assigned to the taxonomic rank kingdom or phylum using MMseqs2’s taxonomy workflow (Mirdita et al. 2021) against the GTDB to discriminate contigs carrying preserved genes from contigs carrying genes from multiple lineages
  3. Evaluation of the average depth of all contigs

Afterwards, the information of these three steps are combined and contigs are removed because they are likely chimeric when:

  1. A contig was assigned to a lineage at the taxonomic level class or lower that does not overlap with the most common lineage of the MAG. E.g. the main lineage was d_Bacteria;p_Firmicutes A;c_Clostridia;o_Lachnospirales;f_Lachnospiraceae but a contig was assigned to d_Bacteria;p_Firmicutes_A;c_Clostridia;o_Peptostreptococcales;f_Filifactoraceae;g_Peptoanaerobacter;s_Peptoanaerobacter_stomatis.
  2. A contig could only be assigned to the taxomic rank kingdom and phylum and the per-gene analysis revealed that genes on this contig can be assigned to a lineage other than the main lineage.
  3. A contig could only be assigned to the taxomic rank kingdom and phylum and its coverage was deviating from the average coverage of all contigs assigned to the main lineage by more than two standard deviations.

Finally, the pipeline runs multiple quality evaluation steps on the refined MAGs:

  1. Functional annotation using Bakta (Schwengers et al. 2022)
  2. Evaluation of the quality of the MAG using
  • checkM (Parks et al. 2015)
  • checkM2 (Chklovski et al. 2023)
  • GUNC (Orakov et al. 2021)
  • the presence of alternative alleles with a minimal allele frequency of 20% within coding sequences that would lead to a non-synonymous mutation (Pasolli et al. 2019)
  1. Taxonomic assignment using
  • GTDBTK (Chaumeil et al. 2020)
  • PhyloPhlAn (Asnicar et al. 2020)

A detailed description of the methodology and some results can be found in the Supplementary Material Section 3 “Reference-free binning of the de novo assembled contigs” of Klapper et al. (2023).

Quick start

To be able to run the pipeline, Snakemake with a minimal version of 7.0 is necessary. The easiest way to install the dependencies of this program and to have reproducible results is to create a new conda environment using the environment file provided with it.

conda env create -f environment.yml

After activating the environment using

conda activate automatic_MAG_refinement

the necessary Python environment has been created.

Next, the pipeline itself needs to be downloaded. This can be easily down by cloning this repository to your computer via git

git clone

or by downloading the zip file and extracting it:

wget -O

Afterwards, we can change into pipeline directory:

cd automatic_MAG_refinement

Finally, the configuration file and sample table have to be provided. Templates for these can be found in config/config.yaml for the configuration file and in test/samples.tsv for the sample table.

To run a test case using the assembly results of sample FUM003, a Neanderthal dental calculus sample, that was first published by Fellows Yates et al. (2021) and later de novo assembled in Klapper et al. (2023):

wget -O test/FUM003-megahit.fasta.gz
wget -O test/FUM003.sorted.dedup.bam
wget -O test/FUM003.sorted.dedup.bam.bai
wget -O test/metawrap_50_10_bins.stats

To start the pipeline, we run

snakemake --use-conda --conda-prefix conda \
          --use-singularity --singularity-prefix singularity -j 8

This will automatically evaluate the entries in the configuration file config/config.yaml and use the sample FUM003 as input. The temporary files are written into the folder tmp and the results in the folder results.

By activating the options --use-conda and --use-singularity, snakemake will download and install the programs necessary to run the pipeline via conda or pull the container images via singularity. This step will only happen once, at the first time or when you change the folder for storing these conda environments using --conda-prefix or --singularity-prefix, respectively.

Why this pipeline matters

The de novo assembly of short-read metagenomic sequencing data has become the de-facto standard when studying the microbiome of complex samples. In contrast to genomes derived from cultured microbial isolates, the task of inferring which contig belongs to which genome is not trivial. Therefore, multiple approaches have been developed to use the sequence composition and the sequencing depth along the contigs to cluster similar contigs together (Alneberg et al. 2013; Wu, Simmons, and Singer 2016; Kang et al. 2019). While using the sequence composition and the sequencing depth allows to cluster all contigs in a short amount of time, this information is not always sufficient to correctly separate all contigs in the correct genome bins. To improve these clusters, workflows have been developed that infer the presence of lineage-specific, single-copy genes along the contigs and use these to revise the assignment of contigs into clusters (Sieber et al. 2018; Uritskiy, DiRuggiero, and Taylor 2018). However, the performance of the different combination of tools is dependent on the underlying set of sequencing data (Yue et al. 2020).

There were attempts to standardise the evaluation of the minimum information that is to be provided for new metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) (Bowers et al. 2017). CheckM (Parks et al. 2015) has established itself as the de-facto standard for estimating the completeness and the contamination of a MAG based on marker genes. However, Orakov et al. (2021) could show that checkM’s approach only identifies the surplus of contigs from other taxa but is not able to identify chimeric contigs and therefore overestimates the quality. Instead, the authors developed their own tool, GUNC, that can evaluate whether a MAG is likely chimeric.

How to proceed with MAGs that were either assigned to high or medium quality using checkM but returned a higher than expected GUNC score is yet unclear. In the presence of a large number of additional genomes from the same habitat some researchers tended to discard these MAGs as chimeric (e.g. Saheb Kashaf et al. (2021)). However, for samples that are limited in quantity and underlie strong ethical considerations, such as ancient DNA samples, this is not an adequate solution. Suggestions have been put forward to manually curate the contigs of chimeric MAGs (Chen et al. 2020) in programs such like anvi’o (Eren et al. 2015) and discard the problematic contigs. This manual process ranges from time-consuming to infeasible, when a dataset consists out of many samples with each a large number of MAGs.

Here, we developed an automatic workflow that is heavily influenced by the suggestions by Chen et al. (2020) and automatises many steps that can be manually done in anvi’o. In brief, the pipeline written in Snakemake (Mölder et al. 2021) expects MAGs refined by MetaWRAP (Uritskiy, DiRuggiero, and Taylor 2018) as input and identifies contigs that are likely chimeric by inferring the majority lineage across all contigs using MMSeqs2 (Steinegger and Söding 2017) against the GTDB reference database (Parks et al. 2020) using the command mmseqs taxonomy and discard contigs that diverge either by average sequencing depth or lineage assignment. For the revised contigs, a standard set of assembly information including an updated estimate for the genome completeness and the contamination is determined and reported.


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