Contains the initial files for SpellaPhone including:
- Node code:
- Minimized Aho-Corasick implementation (ac.js)
- Command line program (cli.js)
- Trie implementation (trie.js)
- Main file (index.js)
- Unit tests (test/test-spellaphone.js)
- SCOWL size 70 dictionary of American and English words (words.txt)
- Browserify script (`npm run build`), produces spellphone.js
- ESLint setup (.eslintignore, .eslintrc,yml)
- Travis configuration (.travis.yml)
- Github pages setup (index.html, CNAME)
- Builder for Web-optimized min-data.js and Node optimized data.js
(run with `node builder.js < words.txt`)
- Initial README + assets (, docs/spellaphone.png)
- Prunage for NPM (.npmignore)