Getting filings of various comapanies at once is really a pain but SEC-Edgar-Crawler does that for you. you can Download all companies periodic reports, filings and forms from EDGAR database in a single command.
You may have to install the package using pip.
$ pip install SECEdgar
You can clone the project or download it as zip.
$ git clone
$ cd SEC-Edgar
$ python install
Check data.txt to see the format in which name of company's, CIK code date (prior to) and count is given to get the filings of that company.
Now to run it start python shell
>>> from SECEdgar.crawler import SecCrawler
>>> secCrawler = SecCrawler()
>>> secCrawler.filing_10K('AAPL', '0000320193', '20010101', '10')
This will download the AAPL company's 10-K filings and the data will be saved in "SEC-Edgar-data" folder which will be created on the run time.
import time
from SECEdgar.crawler import SecCrawler
def get_filings():
t1 = time.time()
# create object
seccrawler = SecCrawler()
companyCode = 'AAPL' # company code for apple
cik = '0000320193' # cik code for apple
date = '20010101' # date from which filings should be downloaded
count = '10' # no of filings
seccrawler.filing_10Q(str(companyCode), str(cik), str(date), str(count))
seccrawler.filing_10K(str(companyCode), str(cik), str(date), str(count))
seccrawler.filing_8K(str(companyCode), str(cik), str(date), str(count))
seccrawler.filing_13F(str(companyCode), str(cik), str(date), str(count))
t2 = time.time()
print ("Total Time taken: "),
print (t2-t1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Currently this cralwer supports only 4 filings
- 10-K
- 10-Q
- 8-K
- 13-F
I have maintained a list of companies with their cik code and the file can be downlaoded from here.