cyrel-web is a web handmade frontend for cyrel written in html and plain javascript.
Sources of the website are included in src/
cyrel-web is brought with a set-up tool made with nodejs.
Clone this repository and be sure to have nodejs installed on your system.
Create the main configuration file, which looks like this:
module.exports = {
dependencies: require("../dependencies.json"), // Supplied
backend: "some url here", // Not supplied
departments: require("./departments.json"), // Not supplied
client_id: integer // Not supplied
Run the tool:
$ node index.js env:environment conf:path dist
Where environment
is either release or debug. Note: actually there is no differences between release and debug but in
the future, release environment will have all js files (excepting dependencies one) merged and minified into one file.
It will download dependencies, copy src files, create config files, set-up backend url and generate a file which
contains a list of all files and their sha512 hash, into /dist/environment
$ node index.js env:debug conf:./config/conf.js dist