NOTE: This repo is a fork of mxw/vim-jsx. While I normally do not like making a fork of such a commonly used plugin, it appears to have been abandoned with no activity over the last seven+ months. Notably in this fork, I have added support for the new shorthand fragment syntax, as well as manually cherry-picked in a few open PRs from mxw/vim-jsx.
NOTE 2: While it's not required, I also recommend installing amadeus/vim-xml. It's a fork of the built in xml syntax plugin that fixes a few bugs (like the final boolean prop in a JSX statement or the closing xml tag not matching the opening one).
Syntax highlighting and indenting for JSX. JSX is a JavaScript syntax transformer which translates inline XML document fragments into JavaScript objects. It was developed by Facebook alongside React.
vim-jsx is not a JavaScript syntax package, so in order to use it, you will also need to choose a base JS highlighter. pangloss/vim-javascript is the recommended package---it is vim-jsx's "official" dependency, and the only package against which it is regularly tested. However, vim-jsx makes a best effort to support other JavaScript syntax packages, including:
Notably, the system vim JavaScript syntax is not supported, due to its over-simplicity. However, the system XML syntax package is an implicit dependency.
Vim support for inline XML in JS is remarkably similar to the same for PHP, which you can find here.
If you're experiencing incorrect highlighting or indenting in your JSX code, please file a GitHub issue which includes the following:
A brief affirmation that you've read the README and have installed one of the supported dependencies (and the name of the one you're using).
A minimal ~/.vimrc which repros the issue you're having, as well as both a paste and a screenshot of the issue (a paste alone is insufficient, since it doesn't illustrate the specific highlighting or indenting problem). To obtain a minimal ~/.vimrc, simply bisect your ~/.vimrc by adding
at various points in the file. (You can likewise bisect your included plugins by selectively including only half of them, then a quarter, etc.).
Most of the issues filed result from failures to install vim-javascript or conflicts with existing JS syntax or indent files---so failing to indicate that you've ruled those issues out may result in your issue being closed with minimal comment.
(Please feel free to disregard all this for feature requests.)
By default, JSX syntax highlighting and indenting will be enabled for
files with the .js
and .jsx
extension. If you would like JSX only in .jsx
files, add
let g:jsx_ext_required = 1
to your .vimrc or somewhere in your include path. If you wish to restrict JSX
to files with the pre-v0.12 @jsx React.DOM
pragma, add
let g:jsx_pragma_required = 1
to your .vimrc or somewhere in your include path.
- How come syntax highlighting doesn't work at all?
This is the only question I'll answer with another question---Which do you think is more likely: (a) this package fails completely and utterly in serving its most fundamental purpose, or (b) user error?
- Why are my end tags colored differently than my start tags?
vim-jsx is basically the glue that holds JavaScript and XML syntax packages together in blissful harmony. This means that any XML syntax defaults carry over to the XML portions of vim, and it's common for many colorschemes to highlight start and end tags differently due to the system XML syntax defaults.
- Syntax highlighting seems to work, but breaks highlighting and indenting further down in the file. What's wrong?
This often results from trying to enable XML folding in one's ~/.vimrc
via let g:xml_syntax_folding = 1
). vim-jsx does not support syntax folding,
and is not tested with either JavaScript or XML folding enabled.
The recommended installation method is via vim-plug---just add the following lines to
your ~/.vimrc
Plug 'pangloss/vim-javascript'
Plug 'mxw/vim-jsx'
To install from within vim, use the commands below.
:so ~/.vimrc
You can also add vim-jsx using Pathogen. Then simply execute
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/vim-jsx
(You can install vim-javascript in an analogous manner.)
You can also add vim-jsx using Vundle---just add the following lines to
your ~/.vimrc
Plugin 'pangloss/vim-javascript'
Plugin 'mxw/vim-jsx'
To install from within vim, use the commands below.
:so ~/.vimrc
Alternatively, use the command below to install the plugins from the command line.
vim +PluginInstall +qall
If you have no ~/.vim/after
directory, you can download the tarball or zip
and copy the contents to ~/.vim
If you have existing ~/.vim/after
files, copy the syntax and indent files
directly into their respective destinations. If you have existing after syntax
or indent files for Javascript, you'll probably want to do something like
mkdir -p ~/.vim/after/syntax/javascript
cp path/to/vim-jsx/after/syntax/jsx.vim ~/.vim/after/syntax/javascript/jsx.vim
mkdir -p ~/.vim/after/indent/javascript
cp path/to/vim-jsx/after/indent/jsx.vim ~/.vim/after/indent/javascript/jsx.vim