Welcome to the source code underlying locovote.com. Locovote is built with Observable Framework and deployed using Netlify. Feel free to share feedback on how to improve the site or even submit pull requests!
Observable Framework has support for data loaders. "Data loaders live in the source root (typically src
) alongside your other source files. When a file is referenced from JavaScript via FileAttachment
, if the file does not exist, Framework will look for a file of the same name with a double extension to see if there is a corresponding data loader." I chose not to use data loaders to keep the site build time fast (about 30 seconds right now). I have included my R code in case you're interested to see how the data was cleaned.
labels on facets aren't great, but that seems not critical
It would be nice to see spending per student.
Better search https://observablehq.com/@john-guerra/multi-auto-select
Table is nice with sparklines: https://observablehq.com/framework/inputs/table
Set up map: https://observablehq.com/framework/lib/topojson
Schools: Improve labels (ELA = English Language Arts, years generally don't have commas)