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Terraform AWS EC2 Instances

Terraform module for creating AWS EC2 instances. This module is designed to provide the ability to create instances of various types, according to the specified parameters. The module was developed in order to be able to create instances in a complex way, of various types, with different configuration parameters and the ability to use for_each loop when calling the module.

The module supports the creation of instances of two types Linux and Windows.

Module Usage

To use the module you need to add the module definition block in the root module. More detailed information about the parameters passed to the module is described below and in the module Inputs section.

The main parameters passed to the module are described in the input variables ec2_instance_type (indicates the type of instance being created) and ec2_config_parameters (describes the configuration of the instance(s)).

In the root module, you must set a variable (input or local) (type map()) that includes parameters for calling the module. Detailed description of the variable is given below. All sub-parameters not described as optional must be specified.

  "instance_type" = list(
        instance               = optional(string, null),
        qty                    = number,
        tier                   = string,
        type                   = string,
        azs                    = list(string),
        encrypted              = optional(bool, false),
        iops                   = optional(number, 0),
        volume_size            = optional(number, null),
        volume_type            = optional(string, "gp2"),
        stop_protection        = optional(bool, false),
        termination_protection = optional(bool, false),
        ami                    = optional(string, null),
        os                     = optional(string, null),
        name                   = optional(string, null),
        distribution           = optional(string, null)

Main variable definition example

locals {
    Definition of instances parameters
  ec2_parameters = {
    "t2.micro" = [
        qty  = 2
        tier = "public"
        type = "main"
        azs  = ["eu-west-1a", "eu-west-1c", ]
        qty         = 1
        tier        = "private"
        type        = "nat"
        azs         = ["eu-west-1b", ]
        volume_size = 10
        volume_type = "gp3"
        ami         = "ami-0fe0b2cf0e1f25c8a"
        os          = "linux"
        name        = "amazon"
    "t3.nano" = [
        qty          = 1
        tier         = "private"
        type         = "main"
        azs          = ["eu-west-1a", ]
        encrypted    = true
        os           = "linux"
        distribution = "debian"

Calling a module with a for_each loop based on the local.ec2_parameters local variable above.

module "ec2_instances" {
  for_each = local.ec2_parameters
  source   = ""

  instances_distribution = "manual"

  ec2_instance_type           = each.key
  ec2_config_parameters_index = index(keys(local.ec2_parameters), each.key)
  ec2_config_parameters       = each.value

Each key is passed to the module as the ec2_instance_type module variable, the value of each key as the ec2_config_parameters module variable. The module will be called twice. The first time to create three instances of type t2.micro, the second time to create an instance of type t3.nano.

The values of each key are a list of objects that describe the parameters of the instance(s).

Selecting an AMI to deploy an instance can be done in three ways:

  • according to the default values. The default values are described in the variables ami_selection_map_linux_default and ami_selection_map_windows_default for each of the supported platforms.
  • based on the specified AMI. The AMI ID must be specified in the ami sub-parameter. In addition to the AMI, the platform/OS sub-parameter os must be specified.
  • setting the type of OS and distribution. In this case, the choice of AMI for deployment is based on the search parameters specified in the variables ami_selection_map_linux_main, ami_selection_map_windows_main, ami_selection_map_linux_user and ami_selection_map_windows_user for each of the supported platforms (see example below).

Example of defining a variable describing search parameters for selecting AMI

module "ec2-instances" {
  for_each = local.ec2_parameters
  source   = ""
  # AMIs selection variables

  ami_selection_map_linux_user = {
    amazon = {
      description = "amzn2-ami-kernel-5.10-hvm, Amazon Linux 2 Kernel 5.10 AMI 2.0"
      name        = "amzn2"
      ver         = "5.10"
      arch        = "x86_64"
      owner       = "137112412989"

You can use one of the methods or a combination as in the example above.

Distribution of instances between AZs/Subnets can be done dynamically or according to a given condition. If the value of the instances_distribution variable is set to "random" AZ is selected randomly, if the value of the instances_distribution parameter is set to "manual" (default value) instances are distributed according to the AZs specified in the azs sub-parameter. The number of AZs specified must match the number of instances in the qty sub-parameter.

If the second method is used (AMI is specified in the input parameter), you can verify the image and check its presence in the AWS AMI registry. To use this functionality, the ec2_ami_verify variable must be set to true (default is false). Additionally, the ec2_ami_owners parameter can be set to filter image owners in the registry. The default is ["amazon", ].

For each instance or multiple instances (qty sub-parameter), you can specify the IOPS (sub-parameter iops), type (volume_type sub-parameter) and size (sub-parameter volume_size, in GB) of the volume (by default, the AMI parameters from the image description are used), as well as set the encryption (sub-parameter encrypted) flag (by default, false).

Similarly, it is possible to set values for enabling/disabling stop (sub-parameter stop_protection) and termination (sub-parameter termination_protection) protections for instance(s).

Select subnets and security groups

The subnet assignment for an instance is based on the AZ name specified in the sub-parameter azs or a randomly selected AZ and the "Tier" and "Type" subnet tags. The "Tier" tag indicates the type of subnet "public" or "private", the "Type" tag indicates its functionality. To the "Type" tag can be assigned any value, but this value must match the value of the type sub-parameter.

As an example, a subnet with the tags "Tier" = "public" and "Type" = "main" indicate a subnet that has access to the public internet via IGW, allows incoming connections according to the Network ACLs and assigned Security Groups.

Security groups are selected and assigned based on the subnet type of the instance ("Tier" subnet tag) and the platform/OS of the instance specified in the sub-parameter os ("linux" or "windows"). To all instances are assigned a default security group (allow traffic inside the VPC). Additionally, for each instance in a public subnet, a Security Group is assigned for the platform specified in the sub-parameter os. For instances on the Linux platform, Security Groups with the "Platform" tag and the value "lnx" are selected, for the Windows platform with the "Platform" tag equal to "win".

Note: The module DOES NOT CREATE subnets and Security Groups, it only selects and assigns according to the received parameters. For the module to work properly, subnets and Security Groups with the specified tags must be created earlier.

Inventory file

In addition to the main functionality, the module allows you to create an inventory file in Ansible INI format. To create inventory files, the ec2_inventory_file parameter must be set to true.

The output file will be created in the main directory of the root module.


Name Description Type
all_tags (Optional) User defined map of tags to add to all resources map(string)
domain (Optional) User defined objects tree string
vpc_name (Required) VPC name string
enable_ipv6 (Required) Enable IPv6 support bool
ssh_key_pair_name (Required) AWS SSH key pair name (for Linux instances) string
instances_distribution (Required) Instances distribution method. Specifies how the instances are allocated relative to the subnet/AZs. Available options: 'manual' or 'random' string
ec2_instance_type (Required) AWS EC2 Instance Type string
ec2_os_family_default (Required) EC2 instance OS family. Available options: 'linux' or 'windows' string
ec2_config_parameters_index (Required) Index of configuration set number
ec2_config_parameters (Required) Instances initial parameters. List, each element of which describes the parameters of the created instance(s) list(object(any))
ec2_ami_verify (Optional) Checking the AMIs specified in the configuration bool
ec2_ami_owners (Optional) List of AMIs owners required for image verification list(string)
ec2_inventory_file (Optional) Creating inventory file in Ansible format bool
ec2_os_names_map (Required) OS full names to short names map map(string)
ami_selection_map_linux_default (Required) Describes default parameters for searching and filtering the results of the desired Linux AMI map(object(string))
ami_selection_map_linux_main (Optional) Describes static parameters for searching and filtering the results of the desired Linux AMIs map(object(string))
ami_selection_map_linux_user (Optional) Describes user defined parameters for searching and filtering the results of the desired Linux AMIs map(object(string))
ami_selection_map_windows_default (Required) Describes default parameters for searching and filtering the results of the desired Windows AMI map(object(string))
ami_selection_map_windows_main (Optional) Describes static parameters for searching and filtering the results of the desired Windows AMIs map(object(string))
ami_selection_map_windows_user (Optional) Describes user defined parameters for searching and filtering the results of the desired Windows AMIs map(object(string))


Name Description
ec2__00__images_linux Details about the default AMI for Linux instances
ec2__00__images_windows Details about the default AMI for Windows instances
ec2__01__network_interfaces Includes general information about created network interfaces: ID, MAC address, Security group(s), Subnet ID, Private DNS name, Private IP address and IPv6 address (if applicable)
ec2__02__instances Includes general information about created EC2 instances: arn, Instance type, AZ, Subnet ID, Primary NIC ID, Public/Private DNS and IP address and IPv6 address (if applicable)
ec2__03__inventory Inventory file ID and filename


Name Version
aws ~> 4.0
local ~> 2.2
null ~> 3.2
random ~> 3.0