Pylambda2.7 is a docker image containing Python-lambda package along with aws CLI which is a toolset for developing and deploying serverless Python code in AWS Lambda. Description
aws CLI: AWS Command Line Interface on Linux AWS Lambda is a service that allows you to write Python, Java, or Node.js code that gets executed in response to events like http requests or files uploaded to S3.
Working with Lambda is relatively easy, but the process of bundling and deploying your code is not as simple as it could be.
The Python-Lambda library takes away the guess work of developing your Python-Lambda services by providing you a toolset to streamline the annoying parts.
- Docker
.. code:: bash
$ docker run -v $HOME/workStation:$HOME/workStation -it amarouane/pylambda2.7:latest
pylambda@3e1ea326637ff:~/workStation$ lambda init
Then follow the tutorial on :