Implementation and experimentation code for the paper on Improving Retrieval-Augmented Large Language Models via Data Importance Learning.
We provide a Rust-based implementation of the weight learning algorithm and corresponding Python bindings via Pyo3.
Below is example code showing how to learn data importance weights for a retrieval corpus collected from the web. In addition, we provide an executable notebook with an end-to-end toy example that demonstrates how to improve prediction quality via data importance learning.
from retrieval_importance import learn_importance, encode_retrievals, encode_groups, grouped_weights
# Retrieval corpus for a question answering task collected from the web
retrieval_corpus = [
{ "question": "The author of Charon's Landing is",
"correct_answers": ["Jack Du Brul"],
"source_websites": ["", "", "", ...],
"generated_answers": ["Jack Du Brul", "Barbara Hambly", "Barbara Hambly", ...] },
{ "question": "The author of Cathedral of the Sea is",
"correct_answers": ["Ildefonso Falcones", "Ildefonso Falcones de Sierra"],
"source_websites": ["", "", "", ...],
"generated_answers": ["Ildefonso Falcones", "Ildefonso Falcones", "J. K. Rowling", ...]
# Accuracy as utility function
def utility(retrieval, prediction):
if prediction in retrieval["correct_answers"]:
return 1.0
return 0.0
# Grouping function to define data sources (web domains in this case)
def group_by_domain(source_website):
url_parts = tldextract.extract(source_website)
return f'{url_parts.domain}.{url_parts.suffix}'
# Encode and group retrieval corpus
encoded_corpus, mapping = encode_retrievals(retrieval_corpus, "source_websites", "generated_answers", utility)
grouping, group_mapping = encode_groups(mapping, group_by_domain)
# Importance weight learning
importance_weights = learn_importance(encoded_corpus,
# Importances per data source (web domains in this case)
importance_weights_by_domain = grouped_weights(importance_weights, group_by_domain, group_mapping)
# The weights can subsequently be inspected and use to prune low-quality data sources from the retrieval corpus
- The experiments for question answering on the selection of 70 WikiFact relations are implemented in and taken from the HELM API for GPT-3.5.
- The experiments for question answering on the WebQA dataset are implemented in and
- The experiments for data imputation are implemented in and
- The experiments for question answering on the noisy WikiFact relations are implemented in, where one has to supply the argument
-s noise
to specify the scenario where we add noise to the retrieval corpus.
- The experiments for improving the retrieval-augmented GPT-3.5 model are implemented in
- The experiment for improving the precision of a session-based recommender on ecommerce clicks is implemented in Rust in Note that we cannot share the click data for legal reasons.
- The corresponding microbenchmarks are implemented in Rust in and
- The corresponding microbenchmark is implemented in Rust in
- The scalability experiment with a synthetic corpus is implemented in Rust in
- The end-to-end runtimes for the click datasets are computed in Rust in
- Requires Python 3.9 and Rust to be available
- Clone this repository
- Change to the project directory:
cd retrieval_importance
- Create a virtualenv:
python3.9 -m venv venv
- Activate the virtualenv
source venv/bin/activate
- Install the dev dependencies with
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
- Build the project
maturin develop --release