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ROS node for Analog Devices Inc. Inertial Measurement Units (IMU)


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ROS node for ADI IMU

A C++ ROS node that read sensor data from ADI IMU and publishes message to /adi_imu/data_raw topic.

See below for various message types supported.

Setup instructions

  1. Clone repo to your catkin workspace (inside catkin_ws/src/)
$ git clone --recursive -b master
  1. Build and install
$ cd catkin_ws
$ catkin_make install
  1. Test
  • In one terminal, run roscore
$ roscore
  • In new terminal, run
$ source <catkin_ws>/devel/setup.bash
$ rosrun adi_imu_ros adi_imu_ros_node

Alternatively, you can launch the node with the provided launch file. The most common parameters you might want to change are listed in the launch file. You can add more as needed. Look for the parameters list in the c++ file adi_imu_ros.cpp.

$ source <catkin_ws>/devel/setup.bash
$ roslaunch adi_imu_ros adimuros.launch [args]


  • csv_folder - Location where the csv file will be stored [default: adi_imu_ros/data]

  • imu_frame - Name of the frame associated with the IMU [default: imu]

  • spi_dev - SPI port on the host computer [default: /dev/spidev0.1]

  • message_type - Message type to be published [default: adi]

  • output_rate - Desired frame rate of the IMU in Hz [default: 2000]

  • en_isensor_buffer - Enable when using iSensor SPI buffer between host and IMU [default: false]

  • In new terminal, wihtin the catkin_ws folder you created, run

$ source <catkin_ws>/devel/setup.bash
$ rostopic echo /adimuros/data_raw

You will need to source the devel folder in this terminal prior to running rostopic, if you choose to publish the measurements using our custom message type adi_imu_ros/AdiImu or adi_imu_ros/AdiImuRaw.

Message types supported

  • std - same as message sensor_msgs/Imu
  • adi - similar to sensor_msgs/Imu but contains mainly accelerometer and gyro outputs. See for more details
  • adi_raw - similar to adi but contains raw hex outputs from IMU. See for more details
  • csv - writes all the outputs to CSV file
  • csv_raw - writes all the raw hex outputs to CSV file


ROS node for Analog Devices Inc. Inertial Measurement Units (IMU)







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