ArtBook is a portfolio showcase web application. It is a full-stack app built using a Ruby on Rails
backend, PostgreSQL
database, and React/Redux
front-end architecture.
Design documents can be found in the wiki!
- RSpec Rails, Jest
Users: A user can sign up, log in, and log out. Each user has a profile.
Projects: Users own many projects, which are composed of images. Images belong to a specific project. Projects can be explored on the dashboard.
Comments: Users can comment on projects and delete their own comments.
Likes: Users can like and unlike projects. A users liked projects are displayed on their profile.
# User Model Associations
class User < ApplicationRecord
# ...
has_many :projects, dependent: :destroy
has_many :images, through: :projects, source: :images
has_many :comments, dependent: :destroy
has_many :likes, dependent: :destroy
has_many :liked_projects, through: :likes, source: :project
# ...
- BCrypt for password-salting and hashing for a secure authentication system.
- Guest / Demo Account
Modals were used to implement the Login/Signup session forms, as well as project views.
render() {
const project = this.props.project;
return (
<div className="project" key={}>
<section onClick={this.openModal.bind(this)}>
<img className="thumbnail" src={project.thumbnail_url}/>
<section className="thumbnail-info">
<span className="project-title">{project.title}</span>
<Link to={`/users/${project.user_id}`}
<div className="x-button">
<button onClick={this.closeModal}><i aria-hidden="true"></i>
<div className="project-detail">
<ImageIndexContainer project={project}/>
<ProjectInfoContainer project={project}/>
Users can comment and like projects.
- In progress: setup Continuous Integration (Jenkins build passed)
- In progress: Deploy through AWS server and remote Postgres database.
- In progress: Configure Segment
This will allow users to keep scrolling to retrieve more content, instead of fetching it all at once.
Users will be able to follow each other, allowing for a customizable feed per user.
Categorizing projects will allow users to search and filter through projects.
Users will be able to upload, edit, and destroy their own projects through the API.