Provides an interface to a CKAN 1.8+ installation and is concentrating on the version 3 API
I'm currently building against (but other versions may work):
Very simple example to connect to datahub, search for datasets and then get details for a given dataset with (optional) debugging on (debugging will show you what is returned on the HTTP response)
org.ckan.Client client = new org.ckan.Client(new org.ckan.Connection(""),"YOUR_API_KEY"); Dataset ds = null; DatasetSearchResult sr = null; try { sr = client.searchDatasets("test-dataset"); } catch(Exception cke) { System.out.println(cke); } DatasetSearchList dsl = sr.result; List results = dsl.results; Iterator iterator = results.iterator(); while(iterator.hasNext()) { ds =; System.out.println(ds); } try { ds = client.debugThis().getDataset("test-dataset"); } catch(CKANException cke) { System.out.println(cke); } System.out.println(ds);
If the debug output is a bit too garbled for your liking, try copying and pasting into this which makes reading the response a lot easier
Methods currently implemented (some more thoroughly than others... at the moment):
(WIP = Work In Progress)
- createDataset
- createGroup
- createMember
- createRelated - WIP
- deleteDataset
- deleteGroup
- deleteRelated -
- deleteTaskStatus -
- deleteVocabulary -
- --findDatasets-- -> replaced by searchDatasets
- followDataset
- followUser
- getActivityDetailList
- getAmFollowingDataset
- getAmFollowingUser
- getCurrentPackageListWithResources
- getDashboardActivityList
- getDashboardActivityListHTML
- getDataset
- getDatasetFolloweeCount
- getDatasetFolloweeList
- getDatasetFollowerCount
- getDatasetFollowerList
- getFormatAutoComplete
- getGroup
- getGroupActivityList
- getGroupActivityListHTML
- getGroupList - WIP
- getGroupListAuthz
- getGroupPackages
- getGroupRevisions
- getLicenceList
- getMemberList - WIP
- getPackageActivityList
- getPackageRelationships - WIP
- getPackageRevisions
- getResource
- getResourceStatus
- getRevision
- getRevisionList
- getRolesList - WIP
- getUser
- getUserActivityList
- getUserActivityListHTML
- getUserAutocomplete
- getUserFollowerCount
- getUserFollowerList
- getUserList
- getVocabulary - WIP
- getVocabularyList - WIP
- searchDatasets - WIP
- unfollowDataset
- unfollowUser
- updateDataset
Notes to self:
- Add factory/ies for results... and maybe for requests too?
- Add param objects or keep overloaded methods?
- Refactor code again once the API methods are complete
- Some people are prob not gonna like Allman braces/indenting in java
- Look at the 301 issue