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This project has been abandoned in favour of simple-enum.

A (Slightly) Better Enum For Python 3

Bnum is a better enumeration class for Python 3. It is broadly compatible with the standard Enum (and uses much of the same code), but has been tweaked to address issues identified in a rant I wrote some time ago (see TYCDWB(TYCDWE)).

Quick Start

If you just need a set of names:

>>> from bnum import ImplicitBnum
>>> class Colour(ImplicitBnum):
...     red
...     green
...     blue
>>> for colour in Colour: print(colour)

(they are printed in alphabetical order, btw).

At the other, hopefully less-used, extreme, if you want integers from 1, explicit values, and the ability to use enumeration values in expressions, then you can do that too:

>>> from bnum import ExplicitBnum, from_one
>>> class Number(int, ExplicitBnum, values=from_one):
...     with implicit:
...         one
...         two
...     three = one + two
...     four = 4
>>> isinstance(Number.two, int)

Basic Use


At its simplest, a Bnum defines a collection of distinct names:

>>> class Colour(ImplicitBnum):
...     red
...     green
...     blue

These can be tested for equality, are instances of the class on which they are declared, and can be displayed in the usual ways:

>>> ==
>>> ==
>>> isinstance(, Colour):
>>> repr(
>>>  # this is the value - see below

And the class itself behaves as a collection of the instances it contains:

>>> list(Colour)
[Colour('blue'), Colour('green'), Colour('red')]
>>> len(Colour)
>>> in Colour


Instances have values as well as names.

The default, implicit value of an instance is its name:

>>>  # this is str() of the value, which is the value, which is the name
>>> type(
<class str>

If you have a value then the appropriate instance can be retrieved by calling the class:

>>> Colour('red') is

Often, names are all you need (think of symbols in Lisp), but some languages associate alternative values with enumerations (think of enums in Java).

You can specify the value explicitly:

>>> class FavouriteNumbers(ExplicitBnum):
...     forty_two = 42
...     seven = 7
>>>  # this is str() of the value

But usually you want integers, counting from 0 or 1, or bit fields, and Bnum will provide these if you use a suitable values argument in the class.

For example, values=from_one provides integers counting from 1 (there's also a from_zero that, yes, you guessed right):

>>> class Weekday(ImplicitBnum, values=from_one):
...     monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday
...     saturday, sunday
>>> Weekday.sunday.value
>>> repr(Weekday.sunday):
Weekday(value=7, name='sunday')

The final line above shows that when an instance's name and value differ, both are shown in the output from repr(). That same syntax can also be used to retrieve values - see the next section.

Using values=bits provides bit fields:

>>> class Emphasis(ImplicitBnum, values=bits):
...     underline
...     italic
...     bold
>>> Emphasis.underline.value
>>> Emphasis.bold.value
>>> 2 & (Emphasis.italic | Emphasis.bold)  # this can be made to work - see later
TypeError: blah, blah

To make the final line work as you might expect, see the section on multiple inheritance below.

You can even mix value types, although it may make the ordering undefined:

>>> class Strange(ExplicitBnum):
...     foo = 42
...     bar = 'fish'
...     with implicit:
...         baz  # value will be 'baz' as no alternative values given

Retrieving Instances

If you have the value, or name (or both, as long as they are consistent), then you can get the appropriate instance by calling the class:

>>> Colour('red') is  # default is to use the value
>>> Emphasis(2) is Emphasis.italic
>>> Emphasis(name='italic') is Emphasis(value=2, name='italic') is Emphasis.italic
>>> Emphasis(value=3, name='italic')
ValueError: blah blah


Instances are ordered by value.

Since the default value is the name itself, the default ordering when iterating over a Bnum is alphabetical (from comparison of the values, which are names, as strings).

>>> list(Colour)
[Colour('blue'), Colour('green'), Colour('red')]

If you choose numerical values (and don't give them yourself) then the ordering will be as written in the class definition (because they are numbered in the order given there):

>>> for emphasis in Emphasis: print(repr(emphasis))
Emphasis(value=1, name='underline')
Emphasis(value=2, name='italic')
Emphasis(value=4, name='bold')

Mixing value types (like in Strange, above) may make comparison undefined. In such cases, the order will be arbitrary (but fixed and error-free).


By default, it is an error to repeat a value, because mixing implicit and explicit values could give very confusing bugs. You can disable this safety check by setting allow_aliases=True.

Aliases are not listed or retrieved, but can be used to identify the "fundamental" instance:

>>> class Error(ExplicitBnum, values=from_one):
...     with implicit:
...         a
...     b = 1  # an error
ValueError: Duplicate value for b, a
>>> class OK(ExplicitBnum, values=from_one, allow_aliases=True):
...     with implicit:
...         a
...     b = 1  # an alias
>>> repr(OK('b'))
OK(value=1, name='a')
>>> list(OK)
[OK(value=1, name='a')]

Advanced Use

Constructors And Methods

The following example shows how ExplicitBnum can define and instantiate arbitrary classes:

>>> class Animal(ExplicitBnum):
...     def __init__(self, legs, noise):
...         self.legs = legs
...         self.noise = noise
...     def talk(self):
...         return self.noise
...     def __str__(self):
...         return 'A %s has %d legs and says %r' % \
...                (, self.legs,
...     pig = 4, 'oink'
...     hen = 2, 'cluck'
...     cow = 4, 'moo'
>>> repr(Animal.pig)
Animal(value=(4, 'oink'), name='pig')
>>> Animal.pig
A pig has 4 legs and says 'oink'
>>> Animal((4, 'oink')) is Animal.pig
>>> Animal.pig.value
(4, 'oink')

Note that value is the value given in the definition, and not the instance.

ImplicitBnum does not support this (see the FAQ), but you can still use with implicit inside an ExplicitBnum.

Multiple Inheritance

It can sometimes be useful to have enumerations that are their value, because then you can use the instance directly in expressions. This can be achieved by adding the value type (typically int) as a mixin:

>>> class IntEmphasis(int, ImplicitBnum, values=bits):
...     underline
...     italic
...     bold
>>> 2 & (IntEmphasis.underline | IntEmphasis.italic)
>>> isinstance(IntEmphasis.underline, ImplicitBnum)
>>> isinstance(IntEmphasis.underline, int)

This works by constructing the given type from the value (use a tuple for multiple arguments). You will see errors if you mix incompatible types:

>>> class Confused(int, ExplicitBnum):
...     foo = 'one'
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'one'

Here the default value is the name, which a string, which cannot be used to construct an integer.

Providing Implicit Values

The values parameter expects a no-argument function (called once per class definition), which returns a second function from names to values.

So, for example, to give random values:

>>> from random import random
>>> def random_values():
...     def value(name):
...         return random()
...     return value
>>> class Random(ImplicitBnum, values=random_values):
...     a, b, c
>>> list(Random)
[Random(value=0.49267653329514594, name='c'), Random(value=0.5521902021074088, name='b'), Random(value=0.5540234367417308, name='a')]

Comparison with Enum


Python has an official Enum type, described in PEP 435. The code expected (by me, at least) to implement that is currently on BitBucket and was used as the basis for Bnum.

List Of Differences

Changes to the Enum semantics include:

  • values can be implicit (Enum requires explicit values in the "class" form, although there's undocumented support for this - see auto_enum in the tests - that uses a name = ... syntax, with an ellipsis);

  • the default implicit value is the name;

  • alternative implicit values are defined via values (Enum numbers from 1 in the "functional" form, equivalent to values=from_one);

  • instances can be retrieved by name or value when calling the class;

  • aliases must be explicitly enabled;

  • the default __str__ implementation displays the value;

  • ordering is by value;

  • the "functional" form is not supported (please email me, [email protected], if you think something like this is important).

In addition, I debated for a long time whether to support multiple inheritance. It is an awfully complicated way to avoid typing .value.

The most significant of these are related to the definition of enumerations. So changing from Enum to Bnum will often require changing only one part of the code base.


You could characterise the Enum design as one driven by enumerations as values (in particular, integers, reflecting a C or Java influence). In contrast, I started from the idea that the simplest enumeration is a set of symbols (names).

As with most designs, many choices are inter-linked; getting a consistent set of choices is analogous to a local maximum in the "design space". So the change in emphasis from values to names, plus a general desire for consistency (both internally, and between Bnum and Enum), explains most changes (and non-changes).

Things You Can Do With Bnum (That You Can't Do With Enum)

Have a simple list of names in "class" form:

>>> class Colour(ImplicitBnum):
...     red
...     green
...     blue

Detect a stupid mistake:

>>> class Error(ExplicitBnum, values=from_one):
...     with implicit:
...         one
...         two
...     three = 2
ValueError: Duplicate value for three, two

Define bit fields:

>>> class IntEmphasis(int, ImplicitBnum, values=bits):
...     underline
...     italic
...     bold
>>> allowed_styles = IntEmphasis.italic | IntEmphasis.bold


Why Implicit And Explicit?

The approach used to provide implicit values can only be used in a restricted context (with implicit) or a class without other members (ImplicitBnum).

In a little more detail, implicit values are generated by providing a default value for any name requested from the class dictionary. This causes problems when the name exists in an outer scope, because it is shadowed by the default value.

This is not an issue if you are only defining a list of names. So implicit values are restricted to that case - either in a class that can only define names, or within a scope.

Didn't You Say This Was A Syntax Error?

Yes, I did. I was wrong.

Duncan Booth provided the solution and the motivation to question my betters.

Isn't Explicit Better Than Implicit?

Not in this case, apparently.

But, if you disagree, you're free to write:

>>> class Colour(ExplicitBnum):
...     red = 'red'
...     green = 'green'
...     blue = 'blue'

Why Not Influence The Official Design?

I think a good design comes from one person. There should be discussion, but one person should own the design and care enough to make it consistent and elegant (so, for example, the language Go has a consistent, elegant design, even if it's nothing like my perfect language). That seems to have been lost in the Python process for Enum (even though generally, with the BDFL approach, they do this quite well).

So This Is What You Think Enum Should Be?

No. Not at all. This design accepts that Enum exists and makes many compromises to provide something as similar as possible. If I were starting from scratch, the design would be much simpler - inheritance has way too much emphasis here.

Which is why I abandoned this project.


Despite my intemperate language in the rant, this work would not have been possible without the prior work of those who developed Enum. Particularly Ethan Furman (I learnt a lot trying to understand that code).


A (Slightly) Better Enum For Python 3






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