I'm happy to meet you! You can find more information about me on my homepage. Beyond that, I am a software engineer, principal engineer or engineering manager (depending on the job) who prioritizes simple, beautiful software development.
I will occasionally write and publish open-source material on GitHub. If you find it, and it's useful for you, protip: fork it.
Why? I do not write enough software for personal use, so writing this is not even remotely sustainable. Additionally, I moved from one professional commitment to another over the years. I decided that the work I've previously published no longer shows my skillset, and I have no time to refactor it. So, I'll make sure to remove it. Most of the software is AGPL because if I'm not making money from it, it's unfair that someone else does. Let's talk if you find something cool to do with it.
This has been an honest open-source disclaimer.