The base_firewall module establishes a basic firewall setup the allows incoming SSH and ping requests. It enables you to create additional firewall rules from Hiera or by directly using the puppetlabs/firewall types.
- IPv4 firewall rules
- IPv6 firewall rules
- Default chain policies (i.e. DROP, ACCEPT)
- Rsyslog and logrotate configuration (optionally)
The simplist way to get started with this module is to just include the module. Then declare any custom firewall rules by directly using puppetlabs/firewall.
include base_firewall
firewall { '150 open tcp port 585':
dport => 585,
action => accept,
Each rule name must be unique. By convention each rule should start with a three digit number to assist in ordering. 000-099 and 900-999 should be reserved for the base_firewall's rulesets.
The default set of INPUT rules created by this module are as follows.
- allow all on loopback
- drop packets with bogus tcp flags (FIN-SYN and SYN-RST)
- allow all established, related
- allow ICMP echo-requests
- allow SSH
- log and drop
The default set of OUTPUT rules created by this module are as follows. (Note that all new outgoing traffic will be blocked by default.)
- allow all on loopback
- allow all established, related
- log and drop
The default set of FORWARD rules created by this module are as follows.
- log and drop
The only class you should need to interact with is the main base_firewall class. See the reference section for the parameter details.
Class: base_firewall
Parameter | Default | Description |
allow_new_outgoing_ipv4 | false | Boolean parameter that determines if the firewall should allow all new outgoing IPv4 connections. The parameter defaults to false which means that new outgoing connections will be dropped unless there is a rule that explicitly allows the traffic. |
allow_new_outgoing_ipv6 | false | Boolean parameter that determines if the firewall should allow all new outgoing IPv6 connections. The parameter defaults to false which means that new outgoing connections will be dropped unless there is a rule that explicitly allows the traffic. |
manage_sshd_firewall | true | Boolean parameter that determines if a firewall rule should be added to allow SSH access on the given port (see the sshd_port parameter). The parameter defaults to true. If you set it to false, make sure you open up the SSH port yourself, else you will be locked out! |
sshd_port | 22 | SSH server port that access should be granted to. Defaults to 22. |
purge | true | Boolean parameter that determines if all unmanaged firewall rules and chains are purged. Defaults to true. Requires puppetlabs/firewall 1.2.0+ in order,for IPv6 resources to be purged. |
chain_policy | DROP | Policy (drop, accept) to apply to each chain (INPUT, FORWARD, OUTPUT). Defaults to drop. The last rules in each chain are always "log then drop" so the policy has minimal effect. |
chain_purge | false | An alternative method of purging unmanaged firewall rules that operates only on the INPUT, OUTPUT, and FORWARD chains. This method of purging unmanaged rules allows you to specify an array of regular expressions that match against firewall rules that should be ignored when purging (see the ignores variable. The default value is false and its usage with purge is mutually exclusive. An example use case would be to ignore firewall rules that are managed by another application like docker. |
manage_logging | false | Boolean parameter specifying whether this module should manage logger config for iptables. Defaults to false. If true then rsyslog will be configured to write all iptables events to /var/log/iptables.log and logrotate will manage the file. |
Variables (set through Hiera config):
Variable | Default | Description |
base_firewall::rules | empty | Hash containing firewall rule data that is used to create firewall resources. The parameter is optional. This parameter can be used to pass in firewall rules through hiera configuration. |
base_firewall::ignores | empty | An array of regular expressions that match against firewall rules that should be ignored when purging. Defaults to undefined and is only used when chain_purge is set to true. |
This examples shows how to configure the module and add firewall rules entirely through Hiera YAML file configuration.
- base_firewall
# Disable new outgoing connections.
base_firewall::allow_new_outgoing_ipv4: no
# Explicitly declare all allowed outgoing connections:
'100 allow outgoing icmp echo-requests':
proto: icmp
icmp: 'echo-request'
action: accept
chain: OUTPUT
'101 allow outgoing ssh':
dport: 22
action: accept
chain: OUTPUT
'102 allow outgoing dns':
dport: 53
proto: udp
action: accept
chain: OUTPUT
'103 allow outgoing ntp':
dport: 123
proto: udp
action: accept
chain: OUTPUT
This example shows how to configure Puppet to not purge firewall rules managed by Docker.
- base_firewall
# Customize the purge config so that docker rules are not
# purged by puppet.
base_firewall::purge: no
base_firewall::chain_purge: yes
- '-o docker0'
- '-i docker0'