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Andrew Martin | Nextjs Portfolio

This is my personal portfolio website built with Next.js, showcasing information about myself. It includes sections for about, projects, skills, experience, and a contact form. Project deployed on Vercel.

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Homepage light nextjs-portfolio-header

Homepage dark nextjs-portfolio-header-dark

Projects section nextjs-portfolio-projects

Skills section nextjs-portfolio-skills

Technologies Used

Project Features

  • Dynamic Navigation: The website includes a dynamic navigation menu that updates based on the active section, providing a seamless user experience.
  • Animated Sections: Integrated animations using for smooth transitions and scroll-based animations.
  • Light and Dark Mode: The website supports light and dark themes.
  • About, Projects, Skills, and Experience Sections: Comprehensive sections showcasing information on projects, skills, and professional experience.
  • Contact Form: A fully functional contact form powered by Resend and React Email for handling form submissions.

Project Outcomes

  • Understanding Key Next.js concepts: Gained hands-on experience with Next.js 14, including its features such as the app directory, server actions, and integration with React.
  • Development with TypeScript: Understanding and defining typesafte data and integrating it with react components.
  • Dynamic Theming and Context Management: Implemented a light and dark mode feature, learning how to manage themes using local storage and React Context API by centralizing global application state and providing/consuming the state accross the application using context providers and custom hooks.
  • Advanced Animation Techniques: Applied Framer Motion for animations and React Intersection Observer for scroll-based effects, enhancing user interaction.
  • Contact Form Submission: Successfully integrated Resend and Nextjs Server Action to handle form submissions and customizing email template using React Email.
  • Responsive Design Skills: Enhanced skills in creating responsive designs, ensuring that the website performs well across different devices and screen sizes.

Project Setup

This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.

To get started with this Next.js portfolio site, follow these steps:

1. Clone the Repository

First, clone the repository to your local machine:

git clone
cd your-repository-name

2. Install Dependencies

Install the project dependencies using Yarn:

yarn install

3. Create Environment File

Create a .env.local file in the root directory of the project to store your environment variables. Add your Resend API key as follows:


Replace your-resend-api-key with your actual API key from Resend.

4. Run the Development Server

Start the Next.js development server:

yarn dev

The application will be available at http://localhost:3000.

5. Build for Production

To build the project for production, run:

yarn build

6. Deploy the Project

For deploying the project, use the following command:

yarn run deploy