A weather app that allows users to get the current weather for a specific location using the Open Weather API. Users can search for a city to get real-time weather information including temperature, weather conditions, and other relevant details.
- CRA: Create React App Set up a modern web app by running one command
- OpenWeather API: Weather data provider
- Chakra UI: Simple, modular and accessible component library
- React Icons Include popular icons in your React projects easily with react-icons
- TypeScript: Typed superset of JavaScript
- Search for weather by city name
- Display current temperature and weather conditions
- Dynamic background changes based on temperature
- Toggle between Fahrenheit and Celsius units
- Custom Hooks: Learned to create custom hooks in React, including a hook to convert Unix timestamps to date time strings and a useFetch hook to fetch data from APIs.
- Consuming APIs for Real-Time Data: Gained experience in consuming APIs to present real-time weather data in a user-friendly format.
- Custom Responsive Chakra UI Components: Created custom UI components utilizing Chakra UI that are responsive and mobile friendly.
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
To get started you need to:
- Clone the project
- Install listed dependencies
- Create an OpenWeather API key and set it in the .env file
- Run available scripts
npm install
- Go to OpenWeather and sign up for an account.
- Generate an API key in the API keys section of your account.
- Add your API key to the .env file.
Run React dev server (http://localhost:3000)
npm run dev
Run the JSON server (http://localhost:5000)
npm run server
npm run build
To deploy this project run
npm run deploy