More on the api here:
Availalbe here:
I wrote tests not for testing sake, but really just to see how I liked how the library worked!
This is a work in progress and is a drasticly different then v1 of this library.
Let me know what you think and suggestions and ideas
Instructions after cloning this repository you have to create a file in the root of it called parseConfig.php
Below is what you want parseConfig.php to look like, just fill in your IDs and KEYs to get started.
class parseConfig{
const APPID = '';
const MASTERKEY = '';
const RESTKEY = '';
const PARSEURL = '';
//This example is a sample video upload stored in parse
$parse = new parseObject('Videos');
$parse->title = $data['upload_data']['title'];
$parse->description = $data['upload_data']['description'];
$parse->tags = $data['upload_data']['tags'];
//create new geo
$geo = new parseGeoPoint($data['upload_data']['lat'],$data['upload_data']['lng']);
$parse->location = $geo->location;
//use pointer to other class
$parse->userid = array("__type" => "Pointer", "className" => "_User", "objectId" => $data['upload_data']['userid']);
//create acl
$parse->ACL = array("*" => array("write" => true, "read" => true));
$r = $parse->save();