This is a Django App for managing show scripts, characters and mic plots.
It's a work in progress, and PR's are welcome.
It's docker based, and designed to be run in a docker container. The easiest way is to use docker-compose
% cp env.env .env
% echo "DJANGO_DEBUG=True" >> .env
% docker-compose build app
% docker-compose run --rm app ./ migrate
% docker-compose run --rm app ./ createsuperuser
% docker-compose up app
The app lives at http://localhost:8002/admin and you can log in using the credentials you set up above.
You can run the app more permanently using the uwsgi and nginx container:
% docker-compose build uwsgi nginx
% docker-compose up -d uwsgi nginx
(The production version will run migrate, collectstatic and other django actions on reload)
- Add microphone detail
- Add better import/export
- Create some views to handle all the exports we want
- move these to github issues