A project demonstrating an issue with Microsoft.Data.SqlClient 3.0.0 when using rowversion and SqlServerRetryingExecutionStrategy.
As of 24/9/2021, Microsoft.Data.SqlClient has been updated to version 3.0.1 which includes a fix that resolves the issue. (dotnet/SqlClient#1182 fix, planned for v4, was back-ported: dotnet/SqlClient#1182.)
Assumes a sql server instance available at Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=bcd4a8a01d8749789bc9683bdfa1bbee;User ID=sa;Password=!aWfa19!;Authentication=SqlPassword
Build and run all the tests.
The test called "Customer_without_default_address_uses_first_address" fails.
The test can be made to pass if the version of Microsoft.Data.SqlClient is downgraded from
version 3.0.0 to 2.1.3 or line 156, builder.EnableRetryOnFailure();
, is commented out.
The following tests fail:
- "Customer_without_default_address_uses_first_address_using_datareader_GetFieldValue"
- "Customer_without_default_address_uses_first_address_using_datareader_GetValues"
- "GetValues_null_rowversion_returns_empty_byte_array"
- "GetValue_null_rowversion_returns_empty_byte_array"
- "GetFieldValue_null_rowversion_does_not_throw_invalid_cast"
They can be made to pass if the version of Microsoft.Data.SqlClient is downgraded from version 3.0.0 to 2.1.3
create table Addresses
Id int identity
constraint PK_Addresses
primary key,
CustomerId int not null,
Address1 nvarchar(max),
Address2 nvarchar(max),
Address3 nvarchar(max),
Version timestamp null
create index IX_Addresses_CustomerId
on Addresses (CustomerId)
create table Customers
Id int identity
constraint PK_Customers
primary key,
Name nvarchar(max),
DefaultAddressId int
constraint FK_Customers_Addresses_DefaultAddressId
references Addresses,
Version timestamp null
alter table Addresses
add constraint FK_Addresses_Customers_CustomerId
foreign key (CustomerId) references Customers
on delete cascade
create unique index IX_Customers_DefaultAddressId
on Customers (DefaultAddressId)
where [DefaultAddressId] IS NOT NULL