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Automate The Boring Stuff

This project involved reading chapters and solving projects from a book called Automate the Boring Stuff with Python

Table of Contents

Chapters Description
Chapter - 1 Practice Questions
Chapter - 2
Chapter - 3 Collatz
Chapter - 4 CommaCode , CharacterPictureGrid
Chapter - 5 ChessBoardValidator , FantasyGameInventor
Chapter - 6 TablePrinter
Chapter - 7 -
Chapter - 8 SandwichMaker
Chapter - 9 MadLibs
Chapter - 10 -
Chapter - 11 DebuggingCoinToss
Chapter - 12 2048 , CommandLineEmail
Chapter - 13 MultiplicationTable
Chapter - 14 SheetMistakes , ConvertingSpreadsheets
Chapter - 15 BruteForcePasswordBreak
Chapter - 16 -
Chapter - 17 PrettifiedStopwatch
Chapter - 18 -
Chapter - 19 -
Chapter - 20 LookingBusy

Chapter 1 - Python Basics

This chapter introduced us to the basics of Python programmming which involved learning about basic operations and setting up IDLE.

Chapter 2 - Flow Control

This chapter introduced us to loops and conditions that control the 'flow' of the program.

Chapter 3 - Functions

This chapter talked about the use and significance of functions and basic function definition.


Collatz - This project involved making a collatz sequence with a number from the user.

Chapter 4 - Lists

This chapter talked about lists and various functions for list manipulations.


CommaCode - This program takes a list value as an argument and returns a string value with the items separated by commas

Character - This program prints an image using a grid containing lists.

Chapter 5 - Dictionaries and Structuring Data

This chapter introduced us to dictionaries and the concept of keys and values. There was also information about various dictionary manipulations which is rather similar to that of a list.


ChessBoardValidator - This program checks whether a dictionary of positions with the chess pieces makes a valid chess board.

FantasyGameInventor - A program that takes different items from the user and creates an inventory which can be updated.

Chapter 6 - Manipulating Strings

This chapter taught me about a variety of functions for manipulating strings.


TablePrinter - A program that creates a table which right justifies each item in the table and presents it in a neat format.

Chapter 7 - Pattern Expressions with Regular Expressions

This chapter introduced the concept of regular expressions or regexes. A neat way of identifying pattern expressions in text and extracting them.

Chapter 8 - Input Validation

This chapter talked about the PyInputPlus module which has input functions that accepts only a value of a specific kind of data type from the user.


SandwichMaker - A program that gives the price of a sandwich after the user gives their different sandwich preferences.

Chapter 9 - Reading and Writing Files

This chapter contained methods to read, write files through the pathlib module. It talked about file paths and saving variables with the shelve module and the pprint.pformat()


Madlibs - A program that reads a Madlibs text document and asks for different kinds of words from the user and writes the new Madlibs paragraph in a text doc.

Chapter 10 - Organising Files

This chapter talked about different ways of organising files using the shutil and zipfile module.

Chapter 11 - Debugging

The chapter talked about four ways of finding a bug in a program - raising exceptions, using assertions, logging and debugging


DebuggingCoinToss - This program had to be debugged where the user had two tries to guess whether the coin landed on heads or tails.

Chapter 12 - Web Scraping

The chapter introduced us to the concept of web scraping using different modules - webbrowser,requests,bs4 and selenium.


Command Line Emailer - This program automates sending a email to someone taking onlt the recipient address and the message from the command line.

Chapter 13 - Working with Excel Spreadsheets

The chapter talked about manipulating Excel spreadsheets with Python.


MultiplicationTable - A program that accepts a number from the user and makes a multiplication table on an Excel sheet.

Chapter 14 - Working with Google Spreadsheets

This chapter talked about using Google spreadsheets through Google APIs through credentials and tokens.


SheetMistakes - A program that checks a multiplication error in a list of 15000 entries in a spreadsheet.

ConvertingSpreadsheet - A program that converts a spreadsheet into different fomats like PDFs and Excel sheets and saves it locally.

Chapter 15 - Working with PDF and Word Documents

This chapter contained functions for interacting with PDFs and Word docs using PyPDF2 and docx module.


BruteForcePasswordBreak - A program that will decrypt an encrypted PDF document with trying out words from a dictionary.

Chapter 16 - Working with CSV Files and JSON Data

This chapter talked about working with CSV files and JSON files using the csv and json modules respectively.

Chapter 17 - Keeping Time, Scheduling Tasks and Launching Programs

This chapter talked about displaying ad keeping track of time with Python using the time module.


prettifiedStopwatch - a program that behaves like a stopwatch and presents the laptime in a neat format.

Chapter 18 - Sending Emails and Text Messages

This chapter taught me an interesting way to deal with emails using the EZGmail module, sending and recieving mails using SMTP and IMAP and sending text messages using Twilio.

Chapter 19 - Manipulating Images

This chapter talked about editing images using the Pillow module.

Chapter 20 - Controlling the Keyboard and Mouse with GUI Automation

This chapter introduced me to GUI automation using the pyatuogui module.


LookingBusy - A program that will nudge the cursor after 10 seconds


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