This tool is intended to communicate with the Nikon F90x/N90s camera over the serial interface. I started this project in order to help me with learning rust.
The tool currently supports the following functions:
- Triggering autofocus
- Triggering shutter release
- Reading from memory
- Writing to memory
- Reading a finished roll
There is a separate repository for the documentation of the serial interface here.
For hardware requirements for the serial connection and the memory values of the camera, refer here.
I recommend using the setting "RUST_LOG=debug" in the environment to get more logs. All the bytes sent between the camera and PC would be printed. This can help with troubleshooting.
$ RUST_LOG=debug f90x-tool read /dev/ttyACM0 0xFD28
[2024-06-07T11:16:01Z DEBUG f90x_tool::camera_interface] Will send camera command: Wakeup
[2024-06-07T11:16:01Z DEBUG f90x_tool::camera_interface] Sending bytes: [00]
[2024-06-07T11:16:01Z DEBUG f90x_tool::camera_interface] Clearing input buffer
[2024-06-07T11:16:01Z DEBUG f90x_tool::camera_interface] Will send camera command: UnitInquiry
[2024-06-07T11:16:01Z DEBUG f90x_tool::camera_interface] Sending bytes: [53, 31, 30, 30, 30, 05]
[2024-06-07T11:16:01Z DEBUG f90x_tool::camera_interface] Received bytes: [31, 30, 32, 30, 46, 39, 30, 58, 2F, 4E, 39, 30, 53, 00, 03, 06]
[2024-06-07T11:16:01Z DEBUG f90x_tool::camera_interface] Will send camera command: ReadMemory { memory_space: 0, address: 64808, length: 1 }
[2024-06-07T11:16:01Z DEBUG f90x_tool::camera_interface] Sending bytes: [01, 20, 80, 00, FD, 28, 00, 01, 03]
[2024-06-07T11:16:01Z DEBUG f90x_tool::camera_interface] Received bytes: [02, 00, 00, 03]
Memory value: [00]
$ f90x-tool shoot /dev/ttyACM0
$ f90x-tool read /dev/ttyACM0 0xFD28
Memory value: [01]
$ f90x-tool write /dev/ttyACM0 0xFD28 0x00
Successfully written.
$ f90x-tool read-finished-roll /dev/ttyACM0
Roll Number;ISO
Frame Number;Shutter Speed;Aperture;Exposure Mode;Metering System;Flash Sync;Focal Length;Exposure Compensation;Flash Compensation
1;1/160;f/5.6;Aperture-Priority Auto;Matrix;Disconnected;50;0.0;0.0
2;1/250;f/5.6;Aperture-Priority Auto;Matrix;Disconnected;50;-1.0;0.0
Following are some improvements that can be done over time:
- Check and verify some values in They are marked with TODOs.
- Refactoring the decoder to use the MemoHolderSetting enum.
- Refactoring the; maybe some derive macro can be used?
- Change the module structure to separate the application logic. Then it can be possible to have a module that can be used as a library so that one can implement different user interfaces in addition to the current minimal CLI.
- Implement deleting of finished rolls
- Implement reading unfinished rolls