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Bioinformatics pipeline for hologenomics data generation and analysis


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Bioinformatics pipeline for hologenomics data generation and analysis

Snakemake is a workflow management system which requires from a Snakefile and a config file. This is a Bioinformatics pipeline implemented with Snakemake.

Files and directories

Main directory

The main holoflow directory contains a given number of Python scripts which work as launchers for the different workflow programs in the pipeline:

  • - Merge all potential reference genomes to sample into a single .fna file to be used in
  • - Data preprocessing from quality to duplicate sequences for further downstream analysis.
  • - Individual assembly-based analysis and metagenomics binning.
  • - Coassembly-based analysis and metagenomics binning.
  • - Functional annotation of (co-)assembly file with DRAM.
  • - Dereplication and Annotation of metagenomic bins produced by either metagenomics_IB or metagenomics_CB.
  • - Final statistical report of dereplicated bins obtained with
  • - Diet analysis from reads not mapped to MAG catalogue obtained in ######### NOT FULLY FUNCTIONAL YET
  • - Variant calling, Phasing (for HD) and Imputation (for LD) with

These are designed to be called from the command line and require the following arguments:

  -f INPUT            File containing input information.
  -d WORK_DIR         Main output directory.
  -t THREADS          Thread maximum number to be used by Snakemake.
  -W REWRITE          Wants to re-run the worfklow from scratch: remove all directories previous runs. - NOT IN PREPAREGENOMES.
  -g REF_GENOME   Reference genome(s) file path to be used in read mapping. Unzipped for genomics. - only in PREPROCESSING, GENOMICS.  
  -adapter1 ADAPTER1 Adapter sequence 1 for removal. - only in PREPROCESSING.
  -adapter2 ADAPTER2 Adapter sequence 2 for removal. - only in PREPROCESSING. 
  -Q DATA QUALITY]     Low depth (LD) or High depth (HD) data set. - only in GENOMICS.
  -vc VAR CALLER       Variant caller to choose: 1 {bcftools/samtools}, 2 {GATK}, 3 {ANGSD}. - only in GENOMICS.
  -N JOB ID            ID of the sent job, so another different-N-job can be run simultaneously. - only in GENOMICS, METAGENOMICS IB, AB.

  -r REF_PANEL        Reference panel necessary for likelihoods update and imputation of LD variants. - only in GENOMICS.
  -k KEEP_TMP         If present, keep temporal directories - NOT IN PREPAREGENOMES.
  -l LOG              Desired pipeline log file path.
  -c CONFIG           Configuration file full path.

Config files description

A template config.yaml file can be found in every workflow directory.

Input files description

A template input.txt file can be found in every workflow directory.
See input.txt file description for every workflow: In all cases, columns must be delimited by a simple space and no blank lines should be found in the end of the file.
Those lines starting by # won't be considered.
  1. Reference genomes ID. No spaces or undersquares between different words in identifier.
  2. Reference genome full path/name.
  3. Desired output data base with all genomes name. No spaces, undersquares or other separators allowed. All those reference genomes which should be in the same DB should have the same ID in this field.

The fields 1 and 3 must be different

  • Example:

Heads-up: you can generate more than one DB at a time for different projects, be aware that preprocessing only takes ONE DB at a time with all reference genomes to be mapped to a set of samples in a given project.

Genomeone /home/Genomeone.fq DBone
Genometwo /home/Genometwo.fq.gz DBtwo
Genomethree /home/Genomethree.fq DBone
Genomen /home/Genomen.fq DBn &
  1. Sample name.
  2. Original full path/name of FORWARD input file. This can be both .gz or not compressed.
  3. Original full path/name of REVERSE input file. This can be both .gz or not compressed.
  • Example:
Sample1 /home/Sample1_1.fq /home/Sample1_2.fq
Sample2 /home/Sample2_1.fq /home/Sample1_2.fq
Samplen /home/Samplen_1.fq /home/Samplen_2.fq
  1. Sample name.
  2. Coassembly group: assumed to be the same as in preprocessing -N job if preprocessing has been run (PPR_03-MappedToReference job directory ID).
  3. Original full path/name of FORWARD input file.
  4. Original full path/name of REVERSE input file.
    Optimally the metagenomic .fastq files would come from PPR_03-MappedToReference, the last preprocessing step.
  • Example:
Sample1 CoassemblyGroup1 /home/Sample1_1.fq /home/Sample1_2.fq
Sample2 CoassemblyGroup2 /home/Sample2_1.fq /home/Sample1_2.fq
Samplen CoassemblyGroup3 /home/Samplen_1.fq /home/Samplen_2.fq
  1. (Co-)Assembly or group ID.
  2. Path to assembly file.
  • Example:
GroupA /home/dir/assembly_A.fa
GroupB /home/second/dir/assembly_B.fna.gz
  1. Coassembly group or sample group name.
  2. Input directory path where all .fa bins to dereplicate and the respective ID_DASTool_summary.txt files are.
  • Example:
GroupA /home/directory_samplesA
GroupB /home/directory_samplesB
  1. Coassembly group or sample group name.
  2. Input directory path where the group's/samples' in the group original metagenomic _1.fastq & _2.fastq files are.
  3. Input directory path where all dereplicated .fa bins are.
  4. Input directory path where .gff annotation files respective to each dereplicated bin is found.
  • Example:
DrepGroup1 /home/PPR_03-MappedToReference/DrepGroup1 /home/MDR_01-BinDereplication/DrepGroup1/dereplicated_genomes /home/MDR_02-BinAnnotation/DrepGroup1/bin_funct_annotations
DrepGroup2 /home/PPR_03-MappedToReference/Sample1 /home/MDR_01-BinDereplication/Sample1/dereplicated_genomes /home/MDR_02-BinAnnotation/DrepGroup2/bin_funct_annotations
DrepGroup2 /home/PPR_03-MappedToReference/Sample2 /home/MDR_01-BinDereplication/Sample2/dereplicated_genomes /home/MDR_02-BinAnnotation/DrepGroup3/bin_funct_annotations ######### NOT FULLY FUNCTIONAL YET
  1. Group ID.
  2. Path to assembly file.
  3. Path to .fastq files which contain reads not mapped to MAG catalogue.
  • Example:
GroupA /home/dir/assembly_A.fa /home/dir/MFS_01-MAGUnMapped/GroupA
GroupB /home/second/dir/assembly_B.fna.gz /home/dir/MFS_01-MAGUnMapped/GroupB
  1. Sample group name to analyse.
  2. Path to directory containing host reads BAM alignment sorted files - If was used, these are the resulting ref BAMs path.
  3. Chromosome list. This should be a text file with a single column depicting chromosome IDs. Note that the given chromosome IDs should be in accordance with the provided reference genome, otherwise these won't be detected by Holoflow. Relevantly, if the used reference genome does not have chromosomes, the user can choose to analyse her dataset as one single chromosome, by only writing ALL in the chromosome list.
  • Example:
Group1 /home/path/to/group1/bams /home/path/to/group1_chrlist.txt
Group2 /home/path/to/group2/PPR_03-MappedToReference /home/path/to/group2_chrlist.txt
Groupn /home/path/to/groupn/bams /home/path/to/groupn_chrlist.txt

Workflows - Specific directories


  • Snakefile - Continuing's job, which takes as input the full paths of the given reference genomes, reformats its read IDs and merges them into a single data_base.fna file, the Snakefile contains rules for:
    1. Indexing the resulting DB using bwa and samtools
    2. Compressing the full set of DB-related files into a data_base.tar.gz file.


  • Snakefile - which contains rules for:

    1. Quality filtering using AdapterRemoval
    2. Duplicate read removal using seqkit rmdup
    3. Mapping reads against reference genome(s) using bwa mem
  • Config file config.yaml, in which the user may be interested in customising:

    1. Quality filtering - specific adapter sequences, minimum quality, character separating the mate read number.

Metagenomics - Individual Assembly & Coassembly

  • Snakefile - which contains rules for:

    1. Metagenomic assembly using megahit. In Individual Assembly also metaSpades available.
    2. Read mapping to assembly using bwa mem
    3. Contig binning using Metabat, MaxBin. In Coassembly also binning by Concoct.
    4. Binner result integration using DasTool
  • Config file config.yaml, in which the user may be interested in customising:

    1. Assembler - choose between the mentioned options by writing megahit or spades
    2. Minimum contig length - minimum bp per contig in final assembly file.

Metagenomics - Assembly Based

  • Snakefile - which contains rules for:
    1. DRAM functional annotation and distilling of an assembly file.

Metagenomics - Dereplication

  • Snakefile - which contains rules for:
    1. Bin Dereplication using dRep.
    2. Bin Gene Annotation with Prokka.
    3. Bin Taxonomic Classification with GTDB-Tk.
    4. Obtain GTDB phylogenetic subtree of MAGs.

Metagenomics - Final Statistics

  • Snakefile - which contains rules for:
    1. Mapping metagenomic reads to dereplicated MAGs - number and % of mapped reads.
    2. Obtaining coverage statistics of contigs and MAGs in used samples.
    3. Retrieve quality statistics (CheckM) and summary plot of the MAGs.
    4. Get coverage of KEGG KO single-copy core genes in MAGs.

Metagenomics - Dietary Analysis ######### NOT FULLY FUNCTIONAL YET

  • Snakefile - which contains rules for:

    1. ORF prediction.
    2. Annotation based on reference diet protein DB - so far Invertebrates and/or Plants.
    3. Map unmapped to MAG Catalogue reads to gene catalogue obtained in step 1.
    4. Extract gene abundances and merge output with annotations.
  • Config file config.yaml, in which the user may be interested in customising:

    1. Reference DB used for annotation {Plants, Invertebrates, Invertebrates_Plants/Plants_Invertebrates}


  • Snakefile - which contains rules for:
    a. Variant calling with BCFtools, GATK or ANGSD (## Latter UNDER CONSTRUCTION ##)

    -> High depth samples
    b. Filtering with BCFtools or GATK
    c. Phasing with shapeit4

    -> Low depth samples
    b. Likelihoods update with Beagle using a high-depth reference panel
    c. Genotype imputation with Beagle

  • Config file config.yaml, in which the user may be interested in customising:

    1. Choose between HD - for high depth seqs OR LD - for low depth seqs.
    2. Variant calling - BCFtools
    • mpileup
      • Coefficient for downgrading mapping quality for reads containing excessive mismatches - degr_mapp_qual. Default 50.
      • Minimum mapping quality - min_mapp_qual. Default to 0.
      • Minimum base quality - min_base_qual. Default to 13.
      • Specific chromosome region. Default False.
    • call
      • Multicaller mode: alternative model for multiallelic and rare-variant calling designed to overcome known limitations.
      • Keep only variants and not indels.
    1. Variant calling - GATK

      • Parameters to obtain more agressive variants: min_pruning and min_dangling.
    2. Variant calling - ANGSD

      • Choose model (1/2) between samtools or GATK.
      • Output log genotype likelihoods to a file or not.
      • How to estimate minor and major alleles (1/2): 1 = from likelihood data ; 2 = from count data.
      • Estimate posterior genotype probability based on the allele frequency as a prior (True/False).
    3. HD Filtering - BCFtools

      • Quality of SNPs that want to be kept. Default to 30.
    4. HD Filtering - GATK

      • Quality of SNPs that want to be kept. Default to 30.
      • QD: Quality by depth. Find more information here.
      • FS: Fisher strand. Find more information here.
    5. HD Phasing

      • --geno filters out all variants with missing call rates exceeding the provided value to be removed. Default to 0.
      • Provide a Genetic map. Default to False, else provide path.

Usage in Computerome

Get started: download Holoflow repository

Clone the repository by running the following command on your command line:

git clone -b nurher --single-branch

Execute Holoflow .py workflow launchers

These should be executed as jobs, therefore a .sh script should be generated which will call the desired Holoflow workflow:

  • .sh example script for called
#Declare full path to the project directory (the .sh file will be stored here as well)
#Declare full path to holoflow
#Run holoflow
python ${holoflowpath}/ -f ${projectpath}/input.txt -d ${projectpath}/workdir -g ${projectpath}/reference_genomes.fna -adapter1 'ATGCT' -adapter2 'CTTGATG' -c ${projectpath}/config.yaml -l ${projectpath}/log_file.log -t 40 -N First_job
  • job execution in Computerome2 example:
 qsub -V -A ku-cbd -W group_list=ku-cbd -d `pwd` -e ${projectpath}/job_error_file.err -o ${projectpath}/job_out_file.out -l nodes=1:ppn=40,mem=180gb,walltime=5:00:00:00 -N JOB_ID ${projectpath}/

Note that the job parameters: ppn, nodes, memory, wall time ... can and ought to be customised optimally for every job type.


Bioinformatics pipeline for hologenomics data generation and analysis







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