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Scheduling Streams

johnmcclean-aol edited this page Jan 20, 2016 · 1 revision

simple-react 0.99.7 and above introduce Scheduling for LazyFutureStreams and SequenceM

Cron based Scheduling

Send one element of a Stream through every second.

                .schedule("* * * * * ?", ex)

This will print 1 2 3 4 With a new line per second.

We can connect to the output of this stream

HotStream connectable = LazyFutureStream.of(1,2,3,4)
                                        .schedule("* * * * * ?", ex);

And further process the connected Stream, in this case only processing one element per day via the debounce operator

                .schedule("* * * * * ?", ex)


This time we will execute the Stream every second using a Fixed Rate delimiter

                .scheduleFixedRate(1000, ex)


This time we will execute the Stream every second using a Fixed Delay delimiter

                .scheduleFixedDelay(2000, ex) //2 secs after previous element passes through
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