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Type Interfaces : HotStream

johnmcclean-aol edited this page Nov 23, 2016 · 2 revisions

The HotStream interface

The HotStream interface represents a Stream that is actively emitting values.

HotStream contains the following methods

  • connect() : this will open a connection backed by a OneToOneConcurrentArrayQueue with a max of 256 elements.
  • connect(java.util.Queue) : this allows users to create a connection backed by their Queue of choice
  • connectTo(java.util.Queue queue, java.util.function.Function<ReactiveSeq,R> to) : Allows users to connect to the HotStream converting the connected ReactiveSeq to their Stream of choice.



Used in

ReactiveSeq, LazyFutureStream

## Subtypes

PausableHotStream, NonPausabelHotStream

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