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jimin edited this page Jan 18, 2024 · 6 revisions

Subject: Sign the Apache ICLA for Apache Seata (incubating)

Dear Seata contributor,

We are pleased to inform you that Seata has now entered the ASF Incubator. This marks an important milestone for the Seata community, and this would not have been possible without everyone's continuous contributions to the community. On this occasion, we would like to express our deepest gratitude for your past and ongoing support.

As we enter into the ASF incubator, a more open and collaborative community governance model, we kindly request all contributors to sign the Apache Individual Contributor License Agreement (ICLA). The ICLA is a necessary step to legally protect both you, as a contributor, and the ASF, ensuring that the intellectual property is clear and properly managed.
Signing the ICLA is a straightforward process:

  1. Download the ICLA: You can find the ICLA form at:
  2. Complete the ICLA: Fill out the form with your details. Be sure to provide accurate information that matches your identity and record of contributions.
  3. Submit the ICLA: You can email a scanned copy of the signed ICLA to the ASF Secretary at: [email protected] and please remember to CC: [email protected] for our records.

For a detailed explanation of the ICLA and how your contributions are managed, please visit the ASF's official documentation at
Please note that the ICLA is a one-time requirement, and it does not change your rights to use or distribute Seata nor the obligations you have from using it. It simply allows you to continue contributing to Seata under the ASF umbrella.
We sincerely hope that you will continue to be an active member of the Seata community as we embark on this exciting new chapter. Your expertise, insights, and dedication will undoubtedly play a crucial role in shaping the future of Seata within the ASF's vibrant ecosystem.

If you have any questions or require assistance with the ICLA process, please do not hesitate to reach out. Thank you once again for your incredible contributions to Seata. We look forward to your continued involvement.

The attachment is a template on how to fill it out for your reference.

Warm regards,
Min Ji


主题:为Apache Seata(孵化中)签署 Apache ICLA

Dear Seata contributor,

我们很高兴地通知大家,Seata目前已进入ASF 孵化器中。这标志着Seata社区达到了一个重要的里程碑,这离不开过去大家对社区的持续贡献。借此机会,我们想要表达我们对您过去及持续支持的感激之情。


  1. 下载ICLA:您可以在以下链接找到ICLA表格:
  2. 填写ICLA:用您的详细信息填写表格。请确保提供与您的身份和贡献记录相匹配的准确信息。
  3. 提交ICLA:您可以将签署后的ICLA扫描件通过电子邮件发送给ASF秘书处: [email protected] 同时,将邮件抄送给: [email protected] 方便我们记录。





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