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OpenWhisk Command-line Interface wsk

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OpenWhisk Command-line Interface (CLI) is a unified tool that provides a consistent interface to interact with OpenWhisk services.

Getting started

Here are some quick links to help you get started:

Downloading released binaries

Executable binaries of the OpenWhisk CLI are available for download on the project's GitHub releases page.

We currently provide binaries for the following Operating Systems (OS) and architecture combinations:

Operating System Architectures
Linux i386, AMD64, ARM, ARM64, PPC64 (Power), S/390 and IBM Z
macOS (Darwin) 3861, AMD64
Windows 386, AMD64
  1. macOS, 32-bit (386) released versions are not available for builds using Go lang version 1.15 and greater.

We also provide instructions on how to build your own binaries from source code. See Building the project.

Running the wsk CLI

You can copy the wsk binary to any folder, and add the folder to your system PATH in order to run the OpenWhisk CLI command from anywhere on your system. To get the CLI command help, execute the following:

$ wsk --help

To get CLI command debug information, include the -d, or --debug flag when executing this command.

Building the project

GoLang setup

The Openwhisk CLI is a GoLang program, so you will first need to Download and install GoLang onto your local machine.

Note Go version 1.15 or higher is recommended

Make sure your $GOPATH is defined correctly in your environment. For detailed setup of your GoLang development environment, please read How to Write Go Code.

Download the source code from GitHub

As the code is managed using GitHub, it is easiest to retrieve the code using the git clone command.

if you just want to build the code and do not intend to be a Contributor, you can clone the latest code from the Apache repository:

git clone [email protected]:apache/openwhisk-cli

or you can specify a release (tag) if you do not want the latest code by using the --branch <tag> flag. For example, you can clone the source code for the tagged 1.1.0 release

git clone --branch 1.1.0 [email protected]:apache/openwhisk-cli

You can also pull the code from a fork of the repository. If you intend to become a Contributor to the project, read the section Contributing to the project below on how to setup a fork.

Build using go build

Use the Go utility to build the ```wsk`` binary.

Change into the cloned project directory and use go build with the target output name for the binary:

$ go build -o wsk

an executable named wsk will be created in the project directory compatible with your current operating system and architecture.

Building for other Operating Systems (GOOS) and Architectures (GOARCH)

If you would like to build the binary for a specific operating system and processor architecture, you may add the arguments GOOS and GOARCH into the Go build command (as inline environment variables).

For example, run the following command to build the binary for 64-bit Linux:

$ GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o wsk

If successful, an executable named wsk will be created in the project directory compatible with your current operating system and architecture.

Supported value combinations include:

linux 386 (32-bit), amd64 (64-bit), s390x (S/390, Z), ppc64le (Power), arm (32-bit), arm64 (64-bit)
darwin (macOS) amd64
windows 386 (32-bit), amd64 (64-bit)

Build using Gradle

The project includes its own packaged version of Gradle called Gradle Wrapper which is invoked using the ./gradlew command on Linux/Unix/Mac or gradlew.bat on Windows.

  1. Gradle requires you to install Java JDK version 8 or higher

  2. Clone the openwhisk-cli repo:

    git clone

    and change into the project directory.

  3. Cross-compile binaries for all supported Operating Systems and Architectures:

    ./gradlew goBuild

    Upon a successful build, the wsk binaries can be found under the corresponding build/<os>-<architecture>/ folder of your project:

    $ ls build
    darwin-amd64  linux-amd64   linux-arm64   linux-s390x   windows-amd64
    linux-386     linux-arm     linux-ppc64le windows-386

Compiling for a single OS/ARCH

  1. View gradle build tasks for supported Operating Systems and Architectures:

    ./gradlew tasks

    you will see build tasks for supported OS/ARCH combinations:

    Gogradle tasks
    buildDarwinAmd64 - Custom go task.
    buildLinux386 - Custom go task.
    buildLinuxAmd64 - Custom go task.
    buildLinuxArm - Custom go task.
    buildLinuxArm64 - Custom go task.
    buildLinuxPpc64le - Custom go task.
    buildLinuxS390x - Custom go task.
    buildWindows386 - Custom go task.
    buildWindowsAmd64 - Custom go task.

    Note: The buildWindows386 option is only supported on Golang versions less than 1.15.

  2. Build using one of these tasks, for example:

    $ ./gradlew buildDarwinAmd64

Note You may use the compile Gradle task to build a subset of the supported platforms using the buildPlatforms parameter and supplying a comma-separated list, for example: -PbuildPlatforms=linux-amd64,mac-amd64,windows-amd64

Using your own local Gradle to build

Alternatively, you can choose to Install Gradle and use it instead of the project's Gradle Wrapper. If so, you would use the gradle command instead of gradlew. If you do elect to use your own Gradle, verify its version is 6.8.1 or higher:

gradle -version

Note If using your own local Gradle installation, use the gradle command instead of the ./gradlew command in the build instructions below.

Building for internationalization (i18n)

The CLI internationalization is generated dynamically using the bindata tool as part of the gradle build. If you need to install it manually, you may use:

$ go get -u
$ go-bindata -pkg wski18n -o wski18n/i18n_resources.go wski18n/resources

Note: the go-bindata package will automatically be installed if the go build command is used in the project as it is listed in the go.mod dependency file.

Running unit tests

Using Go
$ cd commands
$ go test -tags=unit -v

Note A large number of CLI tests today are not yet available as Go tests.

Using gradle

All tests can be run using the Gradle script:

$ ./gradlew goTest -PgoTags=unit
$ ./gradlew goTest -PgoTags=native

Running integration tests

Integration tests are best left to the Travis build as they depend on a fully functional OpenWhisk environment.

Contributing to the project

Git repository setup

  1. Fork the Apache repository

    If you intend to contribute code, you will want to fork the apache/openwhisk-cli repository into your github account and use that as the source for your clone.

  2. Clone the repository from your fork:

    git clone [email protected]:${GITHUB_ACCOUNT_USERNAME}/openwhisk-cli.git
  3. Add the Apache repository as a remote with the upstream alias:

    git remote add upstream [email protected]:apache/openwhisk-cli

    You can now use git push to push local commit changes to your origin repository and submit pull requests to the upstream project repository.

  4. Optionally, prevent accidental pushes to upstream using this command:

    git remote set-url --push upstream no_push

Be sure to Sync your fork before starting any contributions to keep it up-to-date with the upstream repository.

Adding new dependencies

Please use go get to add new dependencies to the go.mod file:

go get -u[email protected]

Please avoid using commit hashes for referencing non-OpenWhisk libraries.

Removing unused dependencies

Please us go tidy to remove any unused dependencies after any significant code changes:

go mod tidy

Updating dependency versions

Although you might be tempted to edit the go.mod file directly, please use the recommended method of using the go get command:

go get -u  # Using "latest" version
go get -u[email protected] # Using tagged version
go get -u  # Using a commit hash

Updating Go version

Although you could edit the version directly in the go.mod file, it is better to use the go edit command:

go mod edit -go=1.15

Continuous Integration

Travis CI is used as a continuous delivery service for Linux and Mac. Currently, Travis CI supports the environments of Linux and Mac, but it is not available for Windows. The project would like to add AppVeyor CI in the future to run test cases for Windows.