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Fragment Shader Path Tracer

I made this to explore photo-realistic rendering in web browsers.


  • An up-to-date desktop browser that supports WebGL 2 AND ES6 module export + import
  • A top-end discrete GPU (for now)


  • UE4 microfacet BRDF
  • Image based lighting
  • Area lights with light sampling (currently incorrect)
  • Bokeh depth of field with variable aperture size
  • Varible focus depth and auto-focus
  • Normal maps
  • PBR material maps. Metallicness, roughness, emissivity.
  • Refraction, Beer's law
  • Post processing: exposure, saturation, denoising
  • HDRi importance sampling
  • "Camera shaders"

TODOs (Not Exhaustive):

  • Switch to a low discrepancy generator
  • Refactor texture packing to be far, far less wasteful of memory (current worst case could use megabytes where bytes are needed)
  • Fix area light sampling | Explore solid angle sampling of volume lights
  • Parallelize BVH construction and texture packing with web workers
  • Faster BVH construction and traversal.
  • Tiled rendering
  • Port to WebGPU compute shaders once widely available


Light sampling is currently broken

Try messing with the mouse, scrolling, and WASD + RF keys. Be sure to adjust the exposure and saturation.



alt text alt text alt text alt text alt text alt text alt text alt text alt text


Run an HTTP server of your choice from the root directory.

Warning For some reason using javascript modules (type="module") breaks python's SimpleHttpServer. I recommend using Node's http-server

Depending on the port used, open a url like: http://localhost:8000/?scene=bunny&res=800

scene is the base filename of the scene json file you wish to render.
res is the height and width of the canvas in pixels and defaults to the window dimensions if unused. Valid paterns are res=<width>x<height>, and res=<square dimensions> for a square viewport, res=<scalar>x to scale the internal resolution by 1 / <scalar>.

A scene config file like bunny.json looks like:

  "environment": "environment/autumn_meadow_2k.RGBE.PNG",
  "environmentTheta": 0.66,
  "cameraPos": [-0.751,0.665,1.820],
  "cameraDir": [0.304,-0.489,-0.818],
  "props": [
      "path": "asset_packs/misc/bunny_big.obj",
      "scale": 0.25,
      "rotate": [{"angle": 0, "axis": [0,0,1]}],
      "translate": [0.1,-0.7,0],
      "diffuse": [1,1,1],
      "emittance": [0,0,0],
      "metallicRoughness": [0, 0.5, 0],
      "ior": 1.4,
      "normals": "smooth"
      "path": "asset_packs/misc/top_mono.obj",
      "scale": 4,
      "rotate": [{"angle": 3.1415, "axis": [0,0,1]}],
      "translate": [0,-0.75,0],      
      "emittance": [0,0,0],
      "diffuse": "asset_packs/dungeon/RootNode_baseColor.png",
      "metallicRoughness": "asset_packs/dungeon/RootNode_metallicRoughness.png",
      "normal": "asset_packs/dungeon/RootNode_normal.png",
      "normals": "flat"
      "path": "asset_packs/misc/top_mono.obj",
      "scale": 4,
      "rotate": [{"angle": -1.57, "axis": [1,0,0]}],
      "translate": [0,0.25,-1],
      "emittance": [0,0,0],
      "emission": "asset_packs/dungeon/Scene_-_Root_emissive.jpeg",
      "diffuse": "asset_packs/dungeon/Scene_-_Root_baseColor.jpeg",
      "metallicRoughness": "asset_packs/dungeon/Scene_-_Root_metallicRoughness.png",
      "normal": "asset_packs/dungeon/Scene_-_Root_normal.png",
      "normals": "flat",
	    "ior": "10"

environment is the epath to the HDRi environment map
environmentTheta is the angle by which the environment is rotated about the y-axis
samples is number of samples per pixels
atlasRes is the resolution of the texture array used for all textures and materials in the scene


Special thanks to github user knightcrawler25's excellent GLSL path tracer which was a useful reference for the UE4 BRDF and PDF

Thanks to github user enkimute For hdrpng.js, an extremely useful HDRi conversion tool.

Mud Material by SketchFab user Angelo under CC Attribution liscense.

Stylized Blue Lava Material ( Free ) by SketchFab user Plexus Design Türkiye under CC Attribution liscense.


A path tracer written in glsl and javascript








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