This gem provides a centralized authentication client (using omniauth and oauth) and REST web service consumtion and exposition, secured by oauth (2 legged).
Add to your rails Gemfile:
gem 'argos', :git => 'git://'
and then:
rails g argos:install
this generate:
- The database table oauth_nonce
- The configuration file config/initializers/omniauth.rb with the required information of omniauth. Use to communicate with the SSO service.
- The configuration file config/services.yml with the information of the remotes REST web services.
You need to add in your app/controllers/application_controller.rb the following:
# app/controllers/application_controller.rb
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
include Argos::Security
Now you can secure your controllers adding:
before_filter :login_required
The configuration file config/initializers/omniauth.rb include the url of SSO Service, your (of your application) ID and secret. The service work with OAuth (v2) as an strategy of omniauth.
This implementation require an User model loaded in response to SSO Service. This model must include the attributes: uid (universal ID), first_name, last_name and email (all as string). This attributes are loaded when the user sign in currectly.
The Omniauth strategy (APS) used the constant CUSTOM_PROVIDER_URL that can (and should) be loaded in the configuration file. This constant have the url of the SSO service.
File example:
# config/initializers/omniauth.rb
CUSTOM_PROVIDER_URL = 'http://localhost:4000'
APP_ID = '8888651153625cb137f4c7ceb4d7dcd6'
APP_SECRET = 'c5ce6e753c68222f6d998da605e672e9'
Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
provider :aps, APP_ID, APP_SECRET
The configuration file config/services.yml contains the information of the external services that can be consumed.
# config/services.yml
url: ''
identifier: '761e2621'
secret: '8740dbce820d968fe4c98a15cf1dd309'
identifier: 'i39x9mq1'
secret: '1340dbce820ds68fe4c9xa15cf1dd3wp'
url: ''
identifier: '761e2621'
secret: '8740dbce820d968fe4c98a15cf1dd309'
The structure of this file are:
environment » service_name » url, identifier and secret
For implement the class that consume this services you use ActiveResource::Base and extend Argos::OauthSupport for supporting OAuth autorization (2 legged).
Example of use:
class Product < ActiveResource::Base
extend Argos::OauthSupport = ''
self.oauth_identifier = '761e2621'
self.oauth_secret = '8740dbce820d968fe4c98a15cf1dd309'
With this example you configure the service without using the service.yml file. For use the configuration file you need to extend {Argos::ProviderResolver}
class Product < ActiveResource::Base
extend Argos::OauthSupport
extend Argos::ProviderResolver
# Provide indicate the service name in the service.yml file
self.provider = :inventario
The module Argos::OauthSupport add the attribute (not persistent) requesting_user_uid that represent the UID user applicant sended in the request to the remote service. You need to set this before use the remote model.
For more information you can see Argos::OauthSupport and Argos::ProviderResolver.
You can access to RDoc documentation here
This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.