This project is used as a demonstration showing how to configure a 2 raspberries HA cluster. The cluster will manage motion that is a software that provides the option to serve webcam images over a http. In this case, when motion fails in one node, the deamon will be started in the second, making the service high available.
- setup: Salt states to configure the current machine as a salt master.
- minion_configuration: Salt states used to preconfigure the raspberry nodes to enable HA and motion usage.
- cluster_configuration: Salt states to install motion and HA cluster. HA is installed using habootstrap-formula
First of all, the next files must be updated with the IP addresses of the Raspberries. These files are used to know the addresses by salt during the execution.
Besides that, the pillar files in pillar can be update if the cluster needs some customization.
To use the project just run with admin rights or the commands in that file in sequence to follow better the execution.
INFO: The raspberries must be already connected to some network with internet connection.
Tested with: Raspberry pi 3 and openSUSE Leap 15.1.
The project doesn't have any real use case, it's just create to show how HA works.