This Class for handle user firendly url into controller #How to? In this case, you have a routes configuration for your configuration. For example:
// routes.php
// ruotes configuration
// Ex: $routes[uri/param] = controller/menthod/params
$routes['/'] = 'HomeController/index';
$routes['/view/:num'] = 'ViewController/detail/#1';
// for custom regex in your paramaters
// and dont forget to make group in your regex "()"
$routes['/view/([a-z]+)/page:num'] = 'ViewController/customDetail/#1/#2';
Based on the routes.php files.
$uri = '/'; // example of your uri
require "routes.php"; // load routes configuration
require "Routes.php"; // loud routes class
$routes = new Routes();
$route = $routes->match($uri);
$cName = $route['controller']; // get the controller
$mName = $route['method']; // get the method
$pName = $route['params]; // get the params