- Overview
- Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
- Setup - The basics of getting started with kibana4
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Parameters
- Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
Install and configure Kibana4. Should work on any linux OS.
This module assumes you have a working Elasticsearch installation and indices (usually an 'ELK' stack). Kibana4 only works with recent versions of Elasticsearch (1.4.4 and later). I recommend using the 'elasticsearch' output with protocol => 'http'
in Logstash (supported since 1.4.0) as the default protocol => 'node'
uses ES version 1.1.1 and will prevent Kibana4 from connecting.
- Manage the Kibana repositories
- Install the Kibana package
- Modifies configuration file if needed.
- Java installation is not managed by this module.
include kibana4
The packages create a kibana user and group (999:999) and they provide an init file /etc/init.d/kibana
. This is now the preferred installation method for kibana4.
include kibana4
Check all parameters in the manifests/init.pp
Version of Kibana4 that gets installed. Defaults to the latest version available in the package_repo_version
you select
This parameter is deprecated. Only package installation from official
repositories is supported.
Apt or yum repository version. Defaults to '4.5'.
Whether or not to use a proxy for downloading the kibana4 package. Default is 'undef, so no proxy will be used. This is only support with yum repositories.
Specifies the service state. Valid values are stopped (false) and running (true). Defaults to 'running'.
Should the service be enabled on boot. Valid values are 'true', 'false', and 'manual'. Defaults to 'true'.
Name of the Kibana4 service. Defaults to 'kibana'.
Simple plugin support has been added, but updating existing plugins is not yet supported. A hash of plugins and their installation parameters is expected:
class { 'kibana4':
plugins => {
'elasticsearch/marvel' => {
kibana4_plugin_dir => '/opt/kibana/installedPlugins', # optional - this is the default
plugin_dest_dir => 'marvel', # mandatory - plugin will be installed in ${kibana4_plugin_dir}/${plugin_dest_dir}
url => 'http://your_custom_url', # necessary if using arbitrary URL
ensure => present, # mandatory - either 'present' or 'absent'
'elastic/sense' => {
ensure => present,
plugin_dest_dir => 'sense',
- See the Kibana4 documentation for a full list of kibana server properties.
- Note: If you do not specify a hash of configuration parameters, then the default
provided by the archive or package will be left intact. - Note: The config hash is different in version 4.1 than it is in version 4.3.
A hash of key/value server properties. Note that specifying a value for pid.file
seems to break startup scripts as of version 4.5.
An extensive config could look like:
config => {
'server.port' => 5601,
'' => '',
'elasticsearch.url' => 'http://localhost:9200',
'elasticsearch.preserveHost' => true,
'elasticsearch.ssl.cert' => '/path/to/your/cert',
'elasticsearch.ssl.key' => '/path/to/your/key',
'elasticsearch.password' => 'password',
'elasticsearch.username' => 'username',
'elasticsearch.pingTimeout' => 1500,
'elasticsearch.startupTimeout' => 5000,
'kibana.index' => '.kibana',
'kibana.defaultAppId' => 'discover',
'logging.silent' => false,
'logging.quiet' => false,
'logging.verbose' => false,
'' => "{ log: ['info', 'warning', 'error', 'fatal'], response: '*', error: '*' }",
'elasticsearch.requestTimeout' => 500000,
'elasticsearch.shardTimeout' => 0,
'elasticsearch.ssl.verify' => true,
'' => '[/path/to/a/CA,path/to/anotherCA/]',
'server.ssl.key' => '/path/to/your/ssl/key',
'server.ssl.cert' => '/path/to/your/ssl/cert',
'pid.file' => '/var/run/',
'logging.dest' => '/var/log/kibana/kibana.log',
You can install gem dependencies with
$ bundle install
and run tests with
$ bundle exec rake spec
You can run beaker-spec tests which will start two vagrant boxes, one to do basic test of the archive
installation method, and the other to test the package
installation method. Each vagrant box also runs elasticsearch.
At this time these tests are fairly basic. We use a basic manifest in each case and ensure that the puppet return code is 2 (the run succeeded, and some resources were changed) on the first run, and ensure that the return code is 0 (the run succeeded with no changes or failures; the system was already in the desired state) on the second run.
Available node sets are centos-66-x64, centos-70-x64, ubuntu-1204-x64, ubuntu-1404-x64, debian-78-x64.
Run with:
$ BEAKER_set=centos-66-x64 bundle exec rspec spec/acceptance