Readme is a documentation for creating organized documentation of any project. The logo size used for this documentation is 150 x 150
size. Go through the installation section to start using this documentation for your project. If you have many contents, start with Table Of Contents.
The project comes with Code Of Conduct, Contributing and Changelog file to help you make your documentation more in depth.
- Prerequisites
- Installation
- Demo
- Tests
- Author
- Contributors
- Contribution
- License
- Additional Details / References
- Changelog
If your project needs any prerequisites or dependencies, list them here.
Example to install dependencies
Download the readme file using wget / curl
and start editing according to your need.
wget -O
curl >
You can fork
the project.
You can clone the whole project.
git clone
Add demo of the projects. It can be any format ( link | image | gif | video ).
There are no test avaiable for this project. Details about the necessary of test can be very useful.
Author Name : Ashish Yadav
Author URI :
GitHub URI : ashiishme
List of all Contributors:
This project is to help Individuals / organization to quickly setup a documentation or readme. If you want to contribute, pull requests are always welcome.
Check the installation section to start contributing to this project.
Sample list below
- Additional details to the projects or the reference to similar projects.
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