Webapp to display all the events, SIGs happening in college
The site uses heroku for hosting and mongoLab for the database.
Please "npm install" all the packages mentioned in the package.json before running the webapp
How to run this web app locally:-
- Fork this repository. Then clone the forked version using "$ git clone "
- Then "$ cd CSIproject". Install all dependencies using "npm install"
- Run "$ node app.js". Now the web app will be deployed at "localhost:5000" (You can change the port in the app.js file).
- Open browser and type "localhost:5000" in the url bar.
Here's a link to its deployment in heroku - https://obscure-forest-84435.herokuapp.com/
- User can post an event if and only if he is logged in otherwise user will be redirected to login page.
- User can see the comments and posts even he is not logged in but won't be able to write a comment if not logged in.
- The events will be dynamically filtered and displayed on the main page according to their date of occurrence.
- The events thus created can only be modifyied by user who created it and that too before the event's date.
- If the date passes, the only option the user will be left with will be to delete the event.
- The comments in each event can only be deleted and edited by the person who created it.