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Alexander Tauenis edited this page Aug 29, 2024 · 75 revisions

List of host software, client browsers and sites that are tested with WebOne.

Server software

WebOne is designed to work in Microsoft .NET Runtime v6.0. So it is compatible with all systems which can run the Runtime. On *nix it is using OpenSSL stack to communicate with servers, on Windows it is using system network stack (SChannel/WinINet) to connect to web sites, and rely on all updates for them.

The recommended platforms for WebOne are Windows 11 22H2 and Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

Known issues

  • Kaspersky Anti-Virus - sometimes can hardly slow down operation of Proxy due to traffic scan.
    • If clients are losing images or some pages (due to time outs), disable HTTPS traffic scan.
    • If you see an 499 error on some pages, this may mean URL banning by Kaspersky.
  • Windows Defender Firewall - need to open inbound port to allow access from other PCs. Not need to use with browsers on localhost.
    • By default, WebOne tries to open port when running without administrator privileges (at same time on configuring netsh.exe).
  • Apache, IIS, Nginx (any version) - make sure that Web server and WebOne Proxy server are working on different ports.
  • Apache - May cause error Cannot start server: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process!.
  • MS Virtual PC, Oracle VirtualBox, PCem, SheepShaver, etc - read more here: Using with virtual machines.
  • Linux - don't like running as systemd dynamic user without setting $HOME variable.
    • There is a workaround in WebOne deb/rpm packages.
  • HFS (HTTP File Server) - sometimes may conflict with WebOne due to unknown bug. Solution: upgrade to latest build of Windows 10.
  • Armbian 22.02.01 - webone : Depends: libssl1.1 but it is not installable. Solution: install libssl1.1 from Debian. Or try libssl3 if doesn't work.
  • Windows Subsystem for Linux 1.0 - does not starts systemd service (due to castrated systemd on WSL's Debian).
  • Ubuntu 22.04.1 - (I'm hope this temporary).

Tested server OSes

  • ✔️ Windows 7 SP1 with updates, Windows 8.1 with updates, Windows Server 2012 R2 with updates.

  • ✔️ Windows 10: 1507, 1607, 2004, 20H2, 21H1, 21H2.

  • ✔️ Windows 11: 21H2, 22H2.

  • ✔️ Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04, 21.10, 22.04.

  • ✔️ Debian 10, Debian 11, Debian 12.

  • ✔️ Raspbian 11, Raspbian 12.

  • ✔️ Astra 2.12.46CE.

  • ✔️ macOS 10.14.6.

  • 🟢 Android 12 (community-reported).

  • 🟢 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 (community-reported).

  • 🟢 Raspbian 10 (community-reported).

  • 🟢 Armbian 22.02.01 (community-reported).

  • 🟢 macOS 10.15.7 (community-reported).

  • ✅ Windows 7 SP1 without updates (fresh install), Windows 8.1 without updates.

  • ❌ Windows Server 2008 SP2 with all non-ESU updates (v6.0.6003 from January 2020).*

  • ❌ Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2003 SP2, Windows Vista SP2, Windows 7 RTM.*

  • ❌ MacOS X 10.7, 10.8.

Legend: ✔️ 🟢 - working. - runs, but unusable. - does not work at all.


  • TLS 1.3 connections does not work on Windows 7, 8.1, 10 1507-1809. Currently this is not a problem, as 99,9% of web sites are working over TLS 1.2.
  • HTTP 2.0 (SPDY) connections may not work on Windows 7, 8.1. Currently this is not a problem, as 99,9% of web sites are working over HTTPS 1.1.
  • HTTP 3.0 (QUIC) connections does not work on Windows 7, 8.x, 10.
  • On Windows 7/8.1, 2008R2/2012R2 it is required to have ~2014-2019 year updates installed. Otherwise WebOne can't decode TLS ciphers.
  • * - There's a workaround for Windows XP and Vista server hosts: virtual machine with light Linux.

Client software

All browsers that support HTTP Proxy servers can be used with WebOne. Known problems and workarounds are below:


Browser Version Score Notes
MS IE 1.5 Good Don't know proxy authentication
MS IE 2.0 Good Don't know proxy authentication
MS IE 3.0 16-bit Good Don't well support proxy authentication
MS IE 3.0 32-bit Perfect
MS IE 4.0 Perfect
MS IE 4.01 SP2 Perfect
MS IE 4.01 Mac Perfect 🔗
MS IE 4.01 CE Perfect Windows Mobile 5.0 / CE 5.1
MS IE 4.0x CE Perfect Windows CE 3.0 🔗
MS IE 4.0x CE Bad Some Windows Mobile version have bug in proxies support 🔗
MS IE 5.x Perfect Write in %windir%/system32/drivers/etc/hosts file 192.168.x.y wpad line to enable automatic detection of proxy in IE 5+.
MS IE 6.0 Perfect --//--
MS IE 6.0 SP1 Perfect --//--
MS IE 6.0 SV1 Perfect --//--
MS IE 7.0 Perfect --//--
MS IE 8.0 Perfect --//--
Win98 WebFolders IE 5.00 Perfect Office 2000's "Web Folders" have no problems
Win2k WebFolders IE 5.01 SP4 Perfect
WinXP WebFolders IE 6.0 RTM Perfect
Opera 3.51 Good Requires transliteration on Russian pages & WinNT 3.51
Opera 7.0 Perfect
Opera 9.64 Perfect
Opera 11.64 Perfect
Opera 12.02 Perfect
Opera 12.18 Usable User must turn off HSTS after installing Opera because it's not fully disableable
Mosaic Netscape 0.9b Good Don't understand HTML tag values inside single quote ('), only double (") seems to be valid for it.; Don't know proxy authentication
Netscape 2.02 Perfect
Netscape 3.04 Gold Perfect
Netscape 4.75 Good Sometimes loses connection (may be a VM or firewall bug)
Mozilla 0.9.9 Perfect
Mozilla 1.0 Perfect
Mozilla 1.7 Perfect
Firefox 1.5 Perfect
Firefox Perfect
Firefox 3.0.18 Perfect
Firefox 3.6.0-yandex Good Not all works in Yandex.Bar
Firefox 3.6.28 Perfect Can play videos via VLC + Viewtube-Webone userscript
Firefox CE 3.6.28 20171107 Perfect
Firefox 4.0.1 Perfect
Classilla 9.3.4 Perfect Supports HTTPS links opening via proxy
K-Meleon 75.1 Perfect Most of sites are opening & working, except some CORS banning
SeaMonkey 2.53.12 Perfect Almost no problems on sites, except some CORS banning
Galeon 1.2.0 Perfect
Splashtop Browser 0.2.360 Perfect Firefox 3.0.4 stripped clone in ASUS Express Gate
NCSA Mosaic 0.6b Bad Problems on TCP packet exchange (may be WinXP NTVDM bug?)
NCSA Mosaic 0.7b Good Sometimes crashing (because under NTVDM?), but working
Safari 5.1.5 Good Sometimes crashes on Windows XP, but working perfectly
Google Chrome 79 Tested Can play videos via HTML5 + Viewtube-Webone userscript
Android Browser 2.3.5 Good Acid3 95/100 without proxy, 93/100 through proxy
Android OS 2.3.5 Good If proxy is password-protected, first enter login&password in Internet app, then all software will work over WebOne
Telnet Any Good
DOSLynx 0.43b Good Have troubles with displaying CP866 and CP1251 content. Use transliteration or a custom build of DOSLynx.
Amiga IBrowse 2.4 Bad Cannot work with image converting: bug #13 🔗
palmOne Web Pro 3.5 Perfect 🔗
Blazer 4.3 Perfect 🔗
Netfront 3.0 Perfect 🔗
Netfront 3.5 Perfect 🔗
Highwire ? Some Work only in alternate mode. 🔗
IBM WebExplorer 1.01 Good No FTP, Gopher; Set proxy options in such way; Set ISO code pages in WebOne configuration for localized content (e.g. iso-8859-5 for Cyrillic).

The list does not include well-known limitations of browsers, related to their rendering engines. Also HTTPS support limitations are not listed here.

HTTP Applications

App Version Score Notes
MS IE Setup 4.01 SP2 Bad ie4setup.exe can't access download mirrors as them are FTP or dead
MS IE Setup 5.0 Good ie5setup.exe can download and install IE
MS IE Setup 5.01 SP2 Good ie5setup.exe can download and install IE
MS IE Setup 5.5 SP2 Good ie5setup.exe can download and install IE
MS IE Setup 6.0 SP1 Good ie6setup.exe can download and install IE
Windows Messenger 4.0 Good Work correctly with edit set
Windows Messenger 4.7 Good Work correctly with edit set over HTTPS
MSN Messenger 3.0 Bad No support for HTTP proxies in MSN 1.x, 2.x, 3.0
MSN Messenger 3.5 Good Work correctly with edit set
MSN Messenger 4.6 Good Work correctly with edit set
MSN Messenger 5.0 Good Work correctly with edit set over HTTPS
MSN Messenger 6.2-escargot Good Work correctly with edit set over HTTPS
MSN Messenger 7.0 Good Work correctly with edit set over HTTPS
MSN Messenger 8.1 Good Work correctly with edit set over HTTPS
Windows Live Messenger 8.5 Good Work correctly with edit set over HTTPS
Windows Live Messenger 2009 Good Work correctly with edit set over HTTPS
Pocket MSN 5.0 Bad Not supported by Escargot, but connections are going
MSN Messenger for Mac 3.5 Bad SSL connection to Nexus doesn't work as OSX 10.3 don't properly understand properly certificate
Windows Update Client 5.4.3790 Bad Cannot work over proxies
Windows Update Client 7.4.7600 Bad Cannot work over proxies
Windows Update Client 7.6.7600 Bad Finds updates, but can't download (0x80200011, see note below)
Windows Update Client 7.6.7600 Good Can update OS via after run proxycfg -p & reboot.
Apple Software Update 2.1.3 Some Can find updates for self and Apple Safari 5.1, but on download says that digital signature is broken.
Miranda IM 0.96.3 Good "ICQ New" is working correctly with in [ForceHttps]. On XP SP2 also need to disable certificate check.
Macstodon 0.2.1 Perfect 🔗; See Macstodon readme for notes
Mastodon 3.11 for Workgroups ? Perfect 🔗; probably Macstodon notes also applicable here
Apple iChat 2.0 Good Work correctly with edit set

Non-HTTP(S) Applications

App Version Score Notes
mIRC 6.1 Good Working with plain-text servers
mIRC 7.75 Good Working with plain-text and IRCS servers
Outlook Express 6.0 SP1 None Doesn't support proxies for everything else that HTTPMail protocol

HTML Applications

App Version Score Notes
Windows Media Player 6-11 Good Works over WebOne (even Media Guide & Radio Tuner), except WMP auto-update
Pocket Windows Media Player 10 Perfect
.NET Passport Wizard XP Bad Does not work due to limitations of Escargot

Website compatibility

Notes about known issues on opening some websites via WebOne.

Name URL Browser WebOne version Notes
Yandex Maps K-Meleon 75.1 0.10.2 Static page, gray canvas instead of map tiles. Anything doesn't work: Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at This can be fixed by moving the resource to the same domain or enabling CORS.. These errors are for all JSes of Yandex services.
Yandex Maps SeaMonkey 2.53.12 0.12.1 Works almost everything except endless load from, so no map tiles. Then error: Предупреждение: Запрос из постороннего источника заблокирован: Политика одного источника запрещает чтение удаленного ресурса на (Причина: отсутствует заголовок CORS «Access-Control-Allow-Origin») (sorry, SeaMonkey is localized).
VKontakte SeaMonkey 2.53.12 0.12.2 Can view all VK profiles, photos, videos without log-in. 👍
VKontakte Any 0.12.0 Cannot log in, says about unknown error. Not appear now.
VKontakte Any 0.12.1 Cannot log in, says about unknown error. Not appear now.
VKontakte FF 3.6 0.12.1 Empty page, as login page is generating via new JS.
Google Maps Any 0.9.3 Need this rule to open: [FixableURL::443] Redirect=%UrlNoPort% Internal=yes. Otherwise WebOne will try to connect to Google's only available 443rd port w/o SSL.
Google Maps SM 2.53.12 0.12.1 Works great. 👍
Polygon of ghosts Netscape 4.75 Any Domain must be listed in [ForceHttps] section or <META HTTP-EQUIV=REFRESH CONTENT="0; URL="> will cause endless reloading from cache and freeze.
Polygon of ghosts Any Any Win7 server must have updates (at least KB2992611).
The Drudge Report 2020 IE 3/Netscape 3 Any Set UserAgent=Mozilla/4.75 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U) to get away error 1010 message.
VOGONS Any 0.11.0 Can't log in.
YouTube K-Meleon 75.1 0.10.2 No video playback: Error: Untrusted URL:
GitHub Chrome 88 0.10.5 Cannot log in in alternate mode ("What‽ Your browser did something unexpected. Please contact us if the problem persists."). Probably, GitHub detecting that there is a proxy or bot.
phpBB 3.3 forums e.g. Any 0.10.5 Can't log in in alternate mode
IPv6 sites e.g. Any 0.10.6 Operating correctly
IPv6 sites by IP e.g. http://[2604:180:f1::92]/ Any 0.10.6 Returning Bad Request (Invalid url: http://[2604:8088/)
How's My SSL Any 0.12.0 UnknownError and SSL bad news in suberror when running in Win11 21H2. In Win8.1 all great. Probably an Windows SChannel bug.
CyberForum Any 0.12.0 Can't go through anti-DDoS protection. Server thinks that client is a bot.
Russian Post SM 2.53.12 0.12.1 All works except parcel tracking.
Reddit Any Any Hint: use domain to simplify CSS/JS content for older browsers.
Legacy Update IE6/7/8 0.12.3-0.15.0 Can't find updates. There's 80244008: Unknown error in LU web page and a System.IO.InvalidDataException: The archive entry was compressed using an unsupported compression method "guru meditation" in proxy log. Solved in v0.15.1
Legacy Update IE6/7/8 0.15.1 Can't find updates. There's 80244008: Unknown error in LU web page and a 13.02.2023 20:50:52.816+3480039 <Return information page: WebOne: Decompression failed. in proxy log. Set AllowHttpCompression=false in [Server] options in configuration file.
Legacy Update IE6/7/8 0.15.1 Founds, but can't download updates. Error Code: 0x80200011 (-2145386479): The server did not return the file size. BITS only transfers static content and requires the HTTP server to return the Content-Length header. The transfer request fails if the URL points to dynamic content.
Legacy Update IE6 SP2 0.12.2 Can't download when Kaspersky AV is running on same machine as WebOne (error 499 499. Body 16K of text/html in log). More...
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