Cloudmesh client is a simple client to enable access to multiple cloud environments form a command shell and commandline. It is grown out of the need to simplify access to multiple clouds for researchers and students easily. In contrast to our earlier versions of cloudmesh it explicitly separates the code to only target client code. Due to this simplification it is also possible to install the client code not only on Linux, OSX, but also Windows. We have tested the installation on Windows 10.
Heterogeneous cloud management
Heterogeneous High Performance Computing (HPC) job management
Supported clouds
- OpenStack
- Azure (not yet integrated, earlier versions of cloudmesh support it)
- Amazon (not yet integrated, earlier versions of cloudmesh support it)
- SDSC comet virtual clusters
Supported Provider Templates
- SDSC Comet virtual clusters
- Openstack (any general Openstack Cloud)
- HP Chameleon
- AWS (not yet integrated, earlier versions of cloudmesh support it)
- Azure (not yet integrated, earlier versions of cloudmesh support it)
Heterogeneous Cloud Commandline client
Heterogeneous Cloud Command Shell
Heterogeneous Slurm Commandline client
Heterogeneous Slurm Command Shell
Integration with ~/.ssh/config
This project is under heavy development.
The documentation to this project is located at
The source code is located at
The travis build is found at