Welcome to the FullStack Todo Application! This project is a comprehensive Todo list app built using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js). It allows users to manage their tasks efficiently with a user-friendly interface and robust backend support.
- Create new tasks
- Read and view existing tasks
- Update tasks as completed or edit them
- Delete tasks
- Filter tasks by status: All, Completed, Incomplete
- Set due dates and priority levels for tasks
- Responsive design for all devices
Make sure you have the following installed:
- Node.js
- MongoDB
- Git
- Clone the Repository
git clone <repository-url> cd todo-mernstack Backend Setup
Navigate to the backend directory. Create a .env file and set your environment variables as per ENV_FORMAT.json. Install dependencies: bash npm install
Start the backend server: bash npm run dev
Frontend Setup Navigate to the frontend directory. Install dependencies: bash npm install
Start the frontend server: bash npm run dev
Open your browser and go to http://localhost:3000 to see your Todo app in action! 🎨 Technologies Used Technology Description MongoDB NoSQL database for storing tasks Express Web framework for Node.js React Frontend library for building UI Node.js JavaScript runtime environment Vite Build tool for faster development Chart.js Data visualization library OpenAI API Integrate AI features (if applicable) 🤝 Contributing We welcome contributions! Here’s how you can help: Fork the Repository Create a New Branch bash git checkout -b feature/YourFeatureName
Make Your Changes Commit Your Changes bash git commit -m "Add some feature"
Push to the Branch bash git push origin feature/YourFeatureName
Open a Pull Request Please ensure your code adheres to our coding standards and includes relevant tests. 📜 License This project is licensed under the ISC License. 🎉 Acknowledgements Special thanks to all contributors and open-source libraries that made this project possible! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or suggestions! Happy coding! 🎉 text
- Go to your GitHub repository.
- Click on the README file.
- Click on the pencil icon (✏️) to edit.
- Paste the above Markdown code.
- Commit your changes.
This will create a well-formatted README file for your FullStack Todo Application!