For Northeastern University CS4500's semester project, students must create a text based version of the game Luzhanqi. The software created can be in any language, and will represent a single player in the game. There will be a referee to communicate messages between the two players and verify all moves made are valid. Information on moves, board layout, etc, will be sent to the referee via standard out.
Devin Hurd - [email protected] Xun Wang - [email protected] Lu Ji - [email protected] Ari Entlich - [email protected]
The rapid prototype does not need to be compiled.
It can be run by executing the command
./play4500 --go <n> --time/move <t>
as explained in the assignment, where is 1 or 2, depending on whether the player goes first or second (respectively), and is the time allowed per move, in any of these formats:
./play4500 --go 1 --time/move 1.2s
says the player goes first and will be given 1.2 seconds per move.
Tests can be run by executing the command
python3 -m unittest discover test/