- Pulls top news from various sources ie NewsAPI, Reddit etc
- Uploads to CMS based on ask
- See spec for more details
For each row ie news item, check the item['filterCheck_Pass']['READY] = True This means it has passed all filters, else reason is there in item['filterCheck_Pass']
- task.py runs main loop that goes through CMS news ask table
- this then calls respective news service to get data as dict
- this data is passed through amLibrary fuctions to "clean" dict
- Subservices tasks -- All subservices send back data in standardized dict, so abstracts API level changes -- all service like reddit, bing (ie except newsAPI) call mercury to pass news URL fetch news data in organized formatting -- these services also call amLibrary_filters to check if data meets rules like length, profanity check etc
- Summarization service using amService_Summarizer
- Better unit tests
- TTS for text, with fillers