Ansible playbooks to setup an Airgap, HA k3s cluster Infrastructure components
cd terraform
- If not done, create a
file with the following content:
sshkey_id = "<ID of the dev machine SSH key>"
token = "<CIVO API Token>"
- When setting up the project for the first time, run
terraform init
. If upgrading the civo provider version, runterraform init --upgrade
instead (provider version is updated in theterraform/
file and the latest version is defined here - click "use provider") make plan
make apply
- Install Ansible
- Install the Ansible Docker Community collection:
ansible-galaxy collection install community.docker
- Install the Ansible Posix collection:
ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.posix
- Install the Ansible Kubernetes collection:
ansible-galaxy collection install kubernetes.core
- Install the Python PyYaml library:
pip3 install pyyaml
- Install the Python Kubernetes library:
pip3 install kubernetes
- Customize the hosts.yaml file to point to your nodes. The "master0*" hosts are assumed to be control plane nodes.
cd ansible
make pre-requisites
make install
make uninstall
make shutdown
cd terraform
make destroy
The provided code was tested on a 2020 M1 Macbook Air as the Ansible host and VirtualBox VMs running on a Windows host acting as the Kubernetes nodes.
- While setting up the VMs that would become the k8s nodes, I've started by creating a first machine and then cloning it once I was happy with it's setup. In order for the clones to be able to pickup an IP address, I've had to delete the
file on each of them.
- In the process of setting Rook up, I've had to resize the VM disks for the worker nodes. To do it on VirtualBox, go to File -> Virtual Media Manager. Then, on openSUSE, run:
sudo zypper install growpart
sudo growpart /dev/sda 2
sudo btrfs filesystem resize max /mnt
Also in the process of setting Rook up, I've had to add new unformatted disks (10Gi) to all worker nodes, to be used for ceph storage
To verify rook status, bash into the toolbox pod by running
sudo kubectl -n rook-ceph exec -it deploy/rook-ceph-tools -- bash
and check rook status by runningceph status
ssh -L 8080:localhost:8080 master01
sudo kubectl port-forward svc/argocd-server -n argocd 8080:443
Access localhost:8080
- Username:
- Password:
sudo kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d
- Deploy the Trivy Operator by default
- ArgoCD
- deploy minIO using an Application CRD
- Rook
- understand how to recover previously used partitions