Spin up a golang development environment with a MEAN stack on the side.
This Vagrant and Virtualbox based Ansible playbook sets up a Go development environment.
For persistence, two alternatives are included:
- MongoDB as part of a complete MEAN stack (Mongodb, Node + Express suitable for back-end for Angular SPAs) together with a sample AngularJS application run on a NodeJS server.
- MySql server
Install VirtualBox and Vagrant (make sure Vagrant is version 1.6.5 or later)
Install Ansible
Clone this project to a folder where you keep your VMs
First execute
vagrant box list
to check ifubuntu/trusty64
is already on your laptop or desktop host system. If it isn't download the box withvagrant box add ubuntu/trusty64
. -
If you receive messages to the effect that the box has a newer version, follow the instructions:
==> default: A newer version of the box 'ubuntu/trusty64' is available! You currently
==> default: have version '20150609.0.10'. The latest is version '20151015.0.0'. Run
==> default: `vagrant box update` to update.
On the cammand-line in that folder, type
vagrant up
The process will take a while, on my 4GB RAM MacBook Pro it took about 20+ minutes initially. But remember that's just the first time, once you have it provisioned it starts up again very quickly. A large part of the initial slowness is the one-time provisioning via Ansible of the MEAN components, especially MongoDB.
Check out your new vm on the command line with
vagrant ssh
(or any other name you'd like) with local machine IP specified in the Vagrantfile ( initially) by including the following line in/etc/hosts
: golang-dev
Within the guest VM box, if you do your work in, say,
then in the VM dir./dev/project01
you can access the files with your favorite editor or IDE or else edit via ssh remoting. -
The MEAN stack example app is at
If you create and run a node.js app on port 3000, you can access it in your browser by pointing it at
- Box used: Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit (Trusty)
- Virtualbox settings:
- memory 1024
- IP
- Installs build-essential, git and curl packages from Apt together with golang and mysql-server (including python-mysqldb in order to automate tasks with mysql).
- The firewall is optionally disabled since the purpose is local development (comment out to omit).
- MySql is started up, the test database removed and a golang-dev database created, with user root without password.
- MongoDB installation:
- Imports MongoDB's public GPG key.
- Adds MongoDB's Apt source.
- Installs MongoDB
- Node.js installation:
- Sets up NodeSource for Ubuntu.
- Installs NodeJS.
- Installs the following globally with
npm install -g