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Awesome Neural Physics Awesome

This repository hosts a curated list of papers on AI techniques for physics simulation in computer graphics.

If you find this list useful, please consider citing it and giving it a ⭐. Feel free to share it with others!


Name Info Link Label
Data-driven fluid simulations using regression forests TOG 2015 Link
Data-driven projection method in fluid simulation CAVW 2016 Link
Accelerating eulerian fluid simulation with convolutional networks ICML 2017 Link
Data-driven synthesis of smoke flows with CNN-based feature descriptors TOG 2017 Link
tempoGAN: A temporally coherent, volumetric GAN for super-resolution fluid flow TOG 2018 Link
Fluid directed rigid body control using deep reinforcement learning TOG 2018 Link
Deep dynamical modeling and control of unsteady fluid flows NeurIPS 2018 Link
Lagrangian fluid simulation with continuous convolutions ICLR 2019 Link
A CNN-based Flow Correction Method for Fast Preview CGF 2019 Link
Transport-based neural style transfer for smoke simulations TOG 2019 Link
ScalarFlow: a large-scale volumetric data set of real-world scalar transport flows for computer animation and machine learning TOG 2019 Link
Video-guided real-to-virtual parameter transfer for viscous fluids TOG 2019 Link
Machine learning for fluid mechanics 2020 Link
A Novel CNN-Based Poisson Solver for Fluid Simulation TVCG 2020 Link
Latent space subdivision: stable and controllable time predictions for fluid flow CGF 2020 Link
Dynamic fluid surface reconstruction using deep neural network CVPR 2020 Link
Tomofluid: Reconstructing dynamic fluid from sparse view videos CVPR 2020 Link
Interactive liquid splash modeling by user sketches TOG 2020 Link
Lagrangian neural style transfer for fluids TOG 2020 Link
Dynamic Upsampling of Smoke through Dictionary-based Learning TOG 2020 Link
Learning meaningful controls for fluids TOG 2021 Link
Differentiable Fluids with Solid Coupling for Learning and Control AAAI 2021 Link
Predicting high-resolution turbulence details in space and time TOG 2021 Link
Neural upflow: A scene flow learning approach to increase the apparent resolution of particle-based liquids PACMCGIT 2021 Link
Data-driven simulation in fluids animation: A survey 2021 Link
Global transport for fluid reconstruction with learned self-supervision CVPR 2021 Link
Volumetric appearance stylization with stylizing kernel prediction network TOG 2021 Link
Two-step Temporal Interpolation Network Using Forward Advection for Efficient Smoke Simulation CGF 2021 Link
Half-Inverse Gradients for Physical Deep Learning ICLR 2022 Link
Guaranteed conservation of momentum for learning particle-based fluid dynamics NeurIPS 2022 Link
Neurofluid: Fluid dynamics grounding with particle-driven neural radiance fields ICML 2022 Link
Physics informed neural fields for smoke reconstruction with sparse data TOG 2022 Link
Efficient Neural Style Transfer for Volumetric Simulations TOG 2022 Link
Versatile Control of Fluid-directed Solid Objects Using Multi-task Reinforcement Learning TOG 2022 Link
Transformer with implicit edges for particle-based physics simulation ECCV 2022 Link
Deep Reconstruction of 3D Smoke Densities from Artist Sketches CGF 2022 Link
Fluid Simulation on Neural Flow Maps TOG 2023 Link
DiffFR: Differentiable SPH-Based Fluid-Rigid Coupling for Rigid Body Control TOG 2023 Link
Fast fluid simulation via dynamic multi-scale gridding AAAI 2023 Link
Solving Inverse Physics Problems with Score Matching NeurIPS 2023 Link
Learning Vortex Dynamics for Fluid Inference and Prediction ICLR 2023 Link
Neural vortex method: From finite Lagrangian particles to infinite dimensional Eulerian dynamics 2023 Link
FluidLab: A Differentiable Environment for Benchmarking Complex Fluid Manipulation ICLR 2023 Link
Learning to Estimate Single-View Volumetric Flow Motions without 3D Supervision ICLR 2023 Link
Physics-Informed Neural Corrector for Deformation-based Fluid Control CGF 2023 Link
Fluid Inverse Volumetric Modeling and Applications from Surface Motion TVCG 2024 Link
Laplacian Projection Based Global Physical Prior Smoke Reconstruction TVCG 2024 Link
Inferring Hybrid Neural Fluid Fields from Videos NeurIPS 2024 Link
Gaussian Splashing: Dynamic Fluid Synthesis with Gaussian Splatting 2024 Link
Differentiable Voronoi Diagrams for Simulation of Cell-Based Mechanical Systems TOG 2024 Link
Learning Reduced Fluid Dynamics AAAI 2024 Link
Symmetric Basis Convolutions for Learning Lagrangian Fluid Mechanics ICLR 2024 Link
Dynamic ocean inverse modeling based on differentiable rendering CVM 2024 Link


Name Info Link Label
Differentiable Cloth Simulation for Inverse Problems NeurIPS 2019 Link
Learning an intrinsic garment space for interactive authoring of garment animation TOG 2019 Link
Projective dynamics with dry frictional contact TOG 2020 Link
Cloth in the wind: A case study of physical measurement through simulation CVPR 2020 Link
Learning to measure the static friction coefficient in cloth contact CVPR 2020 Link
PBNS: physically based neural simulation for unsupervised garment pose space deformation TOG 2021 Link
Self-supervised collision handling via generative 3d garment models for virtual try-on CVPR 2021 Link
Dynamic neural garments TOG 2021 Link
Neural cloth simulation TOG 2022 Link
Dressing avatars: Deep photorealistic appearance for physically simulated clothing TOG 2022 Link
DiffCloth: Differentiable Cloth Simulation with Dry Frictional Contact TOG 2022 Link
Snug: Self-supervised neural dynamic garments CVPR 2022 Link
Predicting loose-fitting garment deformations using bone-driven motion networks Siggraph 2022 Link
Pattern-based cloth registration and sparse-view animation TOG 2022 Link
Learning-based bending stiffness parameter estimation by a drape tester TOG 2022 Link
ClothCombo: Modeling Inter-Cloth Interaction for Draping Multi-Layered Clothes TOG 2023 Link
Detail-Aware Deep Clothing Animations Infused with Multi-Source Attributes CGF 2023 Link
D-Cloth: Skinning-based Cloth Dynamic Prediction with a Three-stage Network CGF 2023 Link
DiffXPBD: Differentiable Position-Based Simulation of Compliant Constraint Dynamics PACMCGIT 2023 Link
Bayesian Differentiable Physics for Cloth Digitalization CVPR 2024 Link
{DiffAvatar}: Simulation-Ready Garment Optimization with Differentiable Simulation CVPR 2024 Link
GarmentDreamer: 3DGS Guided Garment Synthesis with Diverse Geometry and Texture Details Arxiv 2024 Link


Name Info Link Label
Latent-space dynamics for reduced deformable simulation CGF 2019 Link
Real2Sim: visco-elastic parameter estimation from dynamic motion TOG 2019 Link
SoftCon: simulation and control of soft-bodied animals with biomimetic actuators TOG 2019 Link
ChainQueen: A Real-Time Differentiable Physical Simulator for Soft Robotics ICRA 2019 Link
Real-time hair simulation with neural interpolation TVCG 2020 Link
Learning to manipulate amorphous materials TOG 2020 Link
Learning active quasistatic physics-based models from data TOG 2021 Link
Diffpd: Differentiable projective dynamics TOG 2021 Link
Learning contact corrections for handle-based subspace dynamics TOG 2021 Link
High-order differentiable autoencoder for nonlinear model reduction TOG 2021 Link
Efficient deformable shape correspondence via multiscale spectral manifold wavelets preservation CVPR 2021 Link
Differentiable simulation of soft multi-body systems NeurIPS 2021 Link
Implicit neural representation for physics-driven actuated soft bodies TOG 2022 Link
Differentiable solver for time-dependent deformation problems with contact TOG 2022 Link
Differentiable simulation of inertial musculotendons TOG 2022 Link
Contact-centric deformation learning TOG 2022 Link
Neuphysics: Editable neural geometry and physics from monocular videos NeurIPS 2022 Link
Neural Stress Fields for Reduced-order Elastoplasticity and Fracture Siggraph Asia 2023 Link
Neuwigs: A neural dynamic model for volumetric hair capture and animation CVPR 2023 Link
Learning Contact Deformations with General Collider Descriptors Siggraph Asia 2023 Link
Data-Free Learning of Reduced-Order Kinematics Siggraph 2023 Link
DiffVL: Scaling Up Soft Body Manipulation using Vision-Language Driven Differentiable Physics NeurIPS 2023 Link
LiCROM: Linear-Subspace Continuous Reduced Order Modeling with Neural Fields Siggraph Asia 2023 Link
Neural Metamaterial Networks for Nonlinear Material Design TOG 2023 Link
{PhysDreamer}: Physics-Based Interaction with 3D Objects via Video Generation Arxiv 2024 Link
ElastoGen: 4D Generative Elastodynamics Arxiv 2024 Link
Feature Splatting: Language-Driven Physics-Based Scene Synthesis and Editing Arxiv 2024 Link


Name Info Link Label
MuJoCo: A physics engine for model-based control 2012 Link
PyBullet, a Python module for physics simulation for games, robotics and machine learning 2016--2021 Link
Shapestacks: Learning vision-based physical intuition for generalised object stacking ECCV 2018 Link
Drake: Model-based design and verification for robotics 2019 Link
Learning to fly: computational controller design for hybrid UAVs with reinforcement learning TOG 2019 Link
Rl-cyclegan: Reinforcement learning aware simulation-to-real CVPR 2020 Link
Use the force, luke! learning to predict physical forces by simulating effects CVPR 2020 Link
ADD: analytically differentiable dynamics for multi-body systems with frictional contact TOG 2020 Link
Efficient Differentiable Simulation of Articulated Bodies ICML 2021 Link
Brax - A Differentiable Physics Engine for Large Scale Rigid Body Simulation 2021 Link
Fast and Feature-Complete Differentiable Physics Engine for Articulated Rigid Bodies with Contact Constraints 2021 Link
The Role of Physics-Based Simulators in Robotics 2021 Link
Single-view robot pose and joint angle estimation via render & compare CVPR 2021 Link
Dojo: A Differentiable Physics Engine for Robotics Arxiv 2022 Link
Learning physics constrained dynamics using autoencoders NeurIPS 2022 Link
Learning physical dynamics with subequivariant graph neural networks NeurIPS 2022 Link
Neural Collision Fields for Triangle Primitives Siggraph Asia 2023 Link
Vr-handnet: A visually and physically plausible hand manipulation system in virtual reality TVCG 2023 Link
DOC: Differentiable Optimal Control for Retargeting Motions onto Legged Robots TOG 2023 Link
An Extensible, Data-Oriented Architecture for High-Performance, Many-World Simulation TOG 2023 Link
Jade: A Differentiable Physics Engine for Articulated Rigid Bodies with Intersection-Free Frictional Contact ICRA 2024 Link


Name Info Link Label
Learning to simulate complex physics with graph networks ICML 2020 Link
Neural{S}im: Augmenting Differentiable Simulators with Neural Networks ICRA 2021 Link
NVIDIA SimNet{\texttrademark}: An AI-Accelerated Multi-Physics Simulation Framework 2021 Link
MPMNet: A data-driven MPM framework for dynamic fluid-solid interaction TVCG 2023 Link
Learning neural constitutive laws from motion observations for generalizable pde dynamics ICML 2023 Link
PhysGaussian: Physics-Integrated 3D Gaussians for Generative Dynamics Arxiv 2023 Link
A generalized constitutive model for versatile mpm simulation and inverse learning with differentiable physics PACMCGIT 2023 Link
{PAC}-Ne{RF}: Physics Augmented Continuum Neural Radiance Fields for Geometry-Agnostic System Identification ICLR 2023 Link
Dynamic mesh-aware radiance fields ICCV 2023 Link
Neural Physical Simulation with Multi-Resolution Hash Grid Encoding AAAI 2024 Link


Name Info Link Label
Machine learning for fluid mechanics 2020 Link
The Role of Physics-Based Simulators in Robotics 2021 Link
Data-driven simulation in fluids animation: A survey 2021 Link


If you find this repository helpful, please consider citing it!

  title = {Awesome Neural Physics - A Curated List of Papers on AI Techniques for Physics Simulation in Computer Graphics},
  author = {Hui Wang},
  journal = {GitHub repository},
  url = {},
  year = {2023},