Node.js wrapper for Skånetrafiken's Open API. I recently had a night off and thought it would be fun to build a small node.js-wrapper for their API and in the meantime learn more about publishing npm projects and such. Aside from wrapping all endpoints in handy functions, providing the possibility to receive the data from their API in JSON instead of XML is a handy feature as well.
Skånetrafikens official API documentation can be found here and this wrapper is written for the latest version (v2.2).
Below are the implemented endpoints.
- /querypage.asp
- /resultspage.asp
- /querystation.asp
- /neareststation.asp
- /stationresults.asp
- /trafficmeans.asp
- /journeypath.asp
Documentation for this package can be found in the Wiki.
I am currently using a package called xml2js for the conversion between XML and JSON and no other formatting of the data will be provided. It is to be used as-is. In the future, returning data in XML Should also be supported.
This package is published to npm and can easily be installed using
npm install node-skanetrafiken
Below shows a simple example of finding a stop by name. Docs for all endpoints can be found in the Wiki.
// demo.js
var nodeSkanetraiken = require('node-skanetrafiken');
nodeSkanetraiken.findStop({ name: 'Kristianstad' }, function(results, err) {
if (!err) {
// Do something with the results
git clone
npm install
Tests are run using
npm test
Pull Requests are always welcome. All PRs Should contain appropriate tests and submitted to the development
branch. PRs that break the build in Travis will not be accepted, for obvious reasons.
This package is MIT licensed.