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zaphoyd edited this page Nov 26, 2011 · 5 revisions

namespace http is a utility module related to working with HTTP requests and responses.

Types and Constants

Name Description
status_code::value Type of an enum defining all relevant  HTTP status codes
exception Exception class for HTTP processing errors. The exception contains an error string as well as an HTTP error code and optional HTTP error message and body text
parser Base class for HTTP parsing. Provides basic functionality for reading and writing http headers
request Subclass of parser that manages all functionality related to parsing and generating HTTP requests
response Subclass of parser that manages all functionality related to parsing and generating HTTP responses

Free Functions

Signature Description
std::string status_code::get_string(status_code::value value) Returns the human readable string version of a given HTTP status code. “Unknown” is returned if the code supplied is not recognized


websocketpp/http/constants.hpp (basics)
websocketpp/http/parser.hpp (basics + parsers)
