Experiments with ray tracing extension.
used glTF Sponza from glTF-Sample-Models
Particles in gravitational and magnetic fields.
- Identity projection
- Tangential projection
- Displacement mapping
- Atmosphere rendering
- Procedural textures
- Dynamic LODs
Some shaders from Shadertoy.
- Manual camera
- VR
- Offline renderer
Here are some prototypes of new features written on a pure Vulkan API before they are added to FrameGraph.
- Async compute
- Performace tests: Clear image, Generate mipmaps
- Ray tracing extension (Nvidia only)
- Sparse image
- Shading rate image extension (RTX only)
- Mesh shader extension (RTX only)
- Image footpring extension (RTX only)
- Fragment shader barycentric extension (RTX only)